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Everything posted by Toonamiguy321

  1. It will probably be 3 shows in since I’d assume One Piece will bump down to 1:30 and whatever they get to replace Naruto will take 1
  2. Did you miss the schedule update? They quietly slid Kai up to Naruto’s long time spot, and Naruto up to 1:30. That’s slot 4 of the block, it’s plenty relevant.
  3. Thanks, you are the real MVP. Funny answer for Uzumaki since I’m pretty sure he has made that exact same claim on it about 4 times now. If production was going great, it would have dropped years ago. No surprise about the timeslot, small surprise about the packaging since we have had this for over 2 years now. But, he did say when we got it that it probably wouldn’t change, so it is what it is. Not the kind of comment we wanna hear about CR while we are waiting for MHA. Not gonna be good if we can’t even get that. And if sequels are off the table, it goes without saying Witch or any other CR show is out. Good that they have an idea of what’s replacing Naruto. Bad if the answer is Boruto.
  4. Anything of note? Or just the usual fluff nonsense? Elon, in all his great wisdom, decided you can’t read twitter unless you log into twitter
  5. Did they say Toonami premier, or just that it would be on Toonami? Unfortunately, I do agree that a Saturday premier, Sunday encore makes a lot of sense, I just really don’t want it to be the case because that almost guarantees it gets parked at midnight. The R&M crowd doesn’t care about it, the anime watchers don’t care about it, it will make for a brutal lead in if that’s the case. Then the obligatory rerun, and marathon, bleh.
  6. Honestly I liked the show, best original we have had so far by a huge margin, but the finale felt incredibly rushed and certainly lowers my final score for the show. We didn’t even get to see what became of Demarco in the end. I suppose this does tend to happen a lot with single cour, anime original projects. The last episode seems to creep up on them and 22 minutes isn’t enough to resolve it all. Not sure who they are trying to kid with the season finale stuff. Rushed or not, they didn’t leave anything meaningful on the table to do another season with. Ninjas are back to the shadows, Higan got his revenge, Morris got his revenge, Joseph is in jail and Demarco brought down Auza. Everything is tied up. And maybe I blinked and missed it, but did they ever do anything with that dudes weird double eyeball that they showed at the end of last weeks episode? Seems like it never came up again.
  7. I didn’t even consider this. 3 premiers and 4 reruns, and 2 of the premiers are weak shonen. Would have been a trash schedule to rival last year. Might be all our luck for the year to save us from that.
  8. 1. Naruto probably will get better ratings simply by airing earlier, but why does that matter? There isn’t really an audience benefit there. 2. They have the stuff they already aired available. Not really something anyone will be excited about, especially with how much you have to trudge through to get to it. 3. It will either replace Zom or Superman. My money is on Zom because MHA will be yesterdays news by the time Superman ends. Ah my favorite show, The Writers Barely Disguised Fetish.
  9. Fresh schedules are in, and MHA S7 won’t be joining us any time soon. With Zom staying at 12:30, I guess MHA will replace that. Gotta say though, this is a real dumb way to handle the schedule going forward. Why not just cut 3am? They obviously don’t have the content for it. Why another Ninja Kamui run? This is the first original people actually liked and they are gonna make people hate it like Primal S2 by overusing it. Notice they are already trying to normalize 2am Kai.
  10. I know this one has done well for them, but I really don’t see how there can be another season when it looks like all plot lines are going to be resolved by next week. Unless they leave an open end where Not-Demarco gets to be the MC and do ninja shit
  11. If I’m understanding the synopsis right, the first 4 wedding episodes are just set up. Those can stay in the weekly rotation. The last 3 are where the meat of the wedding is, and having all 3 of those back to back would be an excellent sendoff to Naruto. And with the Kai marathon and these two upcoming ones, they have 3 skipped episodes nights to play with anyway that wouldn’t offset its end date from where it was at the start of the year. Again, they aren’t going to extend Toonami for more reruns. Especially Primal which most of the Toonami crowd is sick even thinking about. Plus, I’m pretty sure Primal just had a 3:30 run not that long ago. Even keeping 3 is a longshot right now.
  12. Even they have to see that Zom isn’t doing its best, so they should minimize the time off it takes. Since its new home is likely to be 1a anyway, there is no harm moving it there on the 25th rather than waiting. I really don’t expect them to be keeping 3am unless they feel that IGPX needs to urgently get its second season run.
  13. And im very glad to be wrong about that. It was such a waste to put it on Thursday. So long as it performs comparable to S1, that will be a very healthy lead in for Toonami rather than a frustrating lead rerun. I am also thinking they will do something for Naruto on its way out. I know it’s a bold assumption since we know they hate doing it, but I’m not completely writing off the chance of a mini marathon of the final stretch of episodes. Finishing out any show that long is cause for celebration, so they might slip out of their comfort zone for it.
  14. Well, them passing up Memorial Day is a surprise, but we are still on track of where we expect them to go. When Papa Max says to jump, Demarco doesn’t get to do his dumb delays. And it’s actually going to premier on Toonami? That will be a nice bump for viewership. I’ll still stick with my June 1 prediction, as MHA is still the most logical choice to fill in the extra Superman slot.
  15. Demarco continues to be brainless so there will probably be a 4th or July marathon on July 6 so that pushes Zom out an extra week. The early stretch of summer is gonna be pretty stable. Even once we hit July, Zom is our only swap and we stabilize again till September. Here’s my June 1 expectation 12:00 - MAWS S2 (rerun) 12:30 - MHA S7 1:00 - Zom 100 1:30 - One Piece 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden 2:30 - DBZ Kai And that’s where we will chill till mid July. Similar to Lycoris in the spring, there is no way to predict what replaces Zom as there are no definitive sequels on deck and when Demarco goes to the left field you never know what he will run back with. Might be something cool, might be another One Piece. Perhaps as it approaches there will be a hint somewhere we can chew on. Superman and Naruto will end late August but accounting for typical delays I expect their replacements to not show up till September. Or I should say, replacement. I’m still putting my chips on Kai being the early Naruto replacement that will simply be elevated to 2a when the time comes. That may be when they decide to tag in IGPX S2 for 2:30. No doubt that when Superman ends, MHA slides into midnight. If anything takes 12:30, my money would be on a 12 episode show so the slot can be clear later in the year for Dr Stone’s final season.
  16. I don’t expect Sentai to fill in the crucial lead hour, but they have more than enough viable content in their catalog that could cover the 1am hour. It doesn’t need to be hot off the press new, it just has to be good and engaging. Lycoris was yesterday’s news and people still enjoyed watching it. Sentai has plenty of action titles to work with. They might not be first pick shows, but when the single alternative is double One Piece, I think people will be a little more receptive to a middle of the road Sentai pick.
  17. The problem is if it falls under the radar, that means Demarco misses it too since he doesn’t know shit about anime unless it’s old, shonen, or some meme series with an iconic director. Under better leadership, Toonami would have been strip mining the Sentai catalog way back in 2020. But instead we have someone who is way past their prime and can’t keep his eyes off unobtainable prizes. Id say the only reason we even got Zom 100 is because it was the anime whore of 2023 where it was available on every notable platform, and whoever made that call probably wanted it on Toonami too.
  18. I’m sure its reputation isn’t helping it either. People really soured on it towards the end. Which is a huge shift since the first episode had a lot of people ready to call it AOTY. It’s disappointing to see though because this really doesn’t help the argument of wanting less shonen and more seinen picks.
  19. This is how I envision it 12 - new 12-26 episode series (or original when applicable) 12:30 - new 12-26 episode series 1 - new 12-26 episode series 1:30 - One Piece 2 - Kai 2:30 - whatever rerun they are feeling Sure, could be better, but I think this is the absolute best case scenario we could ask for, and at least some parts of the year would have double OP taking over 1. If we can just keep 90 minutes good it still kinda feels worthwhile to tune in every week.
  20. Which is why I said, just stick Kai there. You are right, they probably don’t have the resources needed to keep 4 slots on rotation. So if the only two options on the table are Boruto or Kai, just give it to Kai and focus those resources that would have went into Boruto into making sure the first 90 minutes of Toonami is watchable. Aniplex has plenty of 1:30a material in their catalog.
  21. The block missed a lot of gems over its years due to lack of space, I’d say a cutoff of 2012 would leave them plenty of viable options without dipping into the super old looking/poorly dubbed 90s and 00s stuff. Stuff like AssClass is a good baseline for what to aim for, and has evidence that a show of that age and wide availability can still succeed on the block.
  22. They already bought Kai, so it’s going to air somewhere whether we like it or not. Again, I can’t see them dropping the block below 6 slots, unless it’s the day they drop it to 0 slots. So with that in mind, I’d rather Kai just take that time rather than Boruto. Either way, the slot is gone for good, but at least this way they aren’t wasting money on Boruto. That’s the ideal scenario but unlikely to be what happens because I just have zero faith in their ability to keep 4 rotating slots going for the whole year.
  23. Get rid of 2am? I find that unlikely unless things get incredibly dire. I have no doubt 3am will go sooner or later, but I don’t think Toonami will ever fall under 6 slots. Real talk though, if the choice was given to me, either cut a slot or put Boruto back on, that slot is getting cut.
  24. I’d rather they just sacrifice the slot to Kai rather than waste money on Boruto. They already know the audience doesn’t like it, so why get it back? Getting One Piece back was bad enough.
  25. For now, my cable and internet is bundled, ditching cable would actually cost me money. If that situation ever changes, I don’t know if I could justify paying for cable separately. I watch the first hour (previously 90 minutes), take a fat shit and shower during OP, then watch Naruto before bed. I just can’t justify to myself stopping Naruto now when I have watched it for the past 480 some weeks. I’d wager in the fall when it’s gone, I’ll probably just be in bed after the first 60/90 minutes. I think around 2014 was when I decided I wanted more out of anime than Toonami was able to offer and started sporadically watching things on my own. Now I do about 3-4 series a month.
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