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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. I doubt it. Loyalty to the king matters more than anything, perhaps only. He can insult retarded MAGAts all he wants.
  2. Clue is my all-time favorite board game. I don't care what anyone says. I think people who hate it are dumbasses who use checkmarks instead of people's initials. It's always fun when you can infer what card is being shown to another player.
  3. I bought a book on presidents as I felt my knowledge on them was lacking. The quotes chosen at the beginning of the book are like a scary premonition, and this book was written in 2012.
  4. I mainly use google to search for reddit topics these days anyway.
  5. Shut up, scoob. I'm sure what you said about the analogies is true, but he had some previous comments privately to me that does indeed make him a fucking asshole, at least in this case. I will leave it at that.
  6. Yaknow, I would have gladly talked about this incident . . . but framing it like this is retarded when the US had shit like Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby. Oh well. 🙄
  7. Now we playing. Plans on using his previous experience as a correctional officer to get a job at Gitmo.
  8. Shamelessly proving you can't follow rules of this thread. Time for you to sit on the judas chair that fuggs happened to break.
  9. It woukd be hilarious if Tesla completely loses its market in Canada over this horseshit and gets replaced by BYD.
  10. Fell into fugg's hooha like this:
  11. Actually loves anime, especially Naruto.
  12. One time when I was very young, my family and I went to Don Pablo's. I went to the bathroom and used the urinal. When I flushed it, the urinal broke and a huge amount of water started to flood the bathroom. 😬
  13. @ghostrek
  14. I think we need Drawn Together now more than ever.
  15. Well, most cases of HIV in Africa are from heterosexual intercourse, so there is also an element of racism at play. I think the most likely scenario is China stepping in to fill the gaps left behind the US leaves. In other words, Chinese soft power is increasing and American soft power is waning. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-usaid-cut-china-foreign-aid-political-influence-2028949
  16. One very worrying thing about USAID going away is the potential of another HIV outbreak, something we don't really have to worry about these days. If a person is properly medicated, they cannot pass the virus onto another person via sex. In developing countries, the medication typically costs less than a dollar a day. If a medicated person no longer has access to their medication, their viral load will rise and they potentially will become resistant to the medication and have to use a more expensive medication. And of course South Africa, Felon Musk's country, would be critically affected by this problem more than other countries. moar leik USAIDS amirite?
  17. She smells sex and candy here. It was fuggs and military hottie. Like disco lemonaids.
  18. I find it quite interesting how a rainy day in the 30s feels colder than a snowy day in the 20s. Once the temp goes below 20, it feels colder regardless.
  19. Such aesthetically unpleasing bald men like him and Stephen Miller have some real nerve to push Eugenics.
  20. I'm replaying Mass Effect as a female Shepard, mostly in response to all the anti-DEI shit going on IRL. A woman in my game is gonna unite all the aliens in a fight against the Reapers. She's also gonna fuck the most popular character (Garrus).
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