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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. In many ways, no wonder I became friends with fuggs. 😑
  2. I'm merely entertaining the idea and the repurcussions of it. I already stated earlier that I don't think annexation is gonna happen. My take is nowhere near the worst on this matter, and you know that.
  3. And I'm saying Quebecois culture would be conflated with anything French. They would definitely double down on preserving the French language, and we know the general American attitude toward anything that isn't English. Puerto Rico has the benefit of being an island that creates distance from the mainland. Quebec is not as fortunate.
  4. I mean, Quebec separatism already exists, and it is much stronger than something like Texas or California wanting to leave the union. I think under American rule, resistance may be extreme to the point of terrorism, albeit only committed by fringe minded people.
  5. I don't care that it's probably a futile effort and that I don't like him. I think it's criminal that a system exists where one would think that's a viable option, especially over something as essential as healthcare.
  6. I doubt it will happen, but if Canada were ever annexed, I think there would be a newfound hatred for anything French. I imagine Quebecois terrorism would become a thing.
  7. You really are lumpenprolerariat. Oh shit, I dropped an actual Marxist term this time. 🙄
  8. Oh, I see. Buyer's remorse. Sorry that your twitter account got banned, but you'll be better off in the long run.
  9. They can stay afloat by having young healthy people pay into the system and for the most part don't have to rely on health services too much. Now that you are older you should feel entitled to services when you need them, even if you switched insurance numerous times. They are the ones who designed insurance to often be coupled with employment, so they can go fuck themselves. Insurance is a useless leeching middle man when it comes to healthcare. Most civilized countries have the government set the price of every health service, and some go a step further and offer everything for free. Yes, it's socialism in this case, but so fucking what? Not everything needs to turn a profit for the benefit of rich assholes who leech off the suffering of the less fortunate.
  10. So is Elon a plutocrat or a kleptocrat? You presented us this false dichotomy, so both is not an answer.
  11. Why do you care about EVs? You don't drive.
  12. Japan, of course. You like old video games and trains, and many of the restaurants there are set up for busy people to eat alone. You can just download the kindle app on your phone and read books that way. It's very convenient.
  13. Obtain an actual 1938 Packard. Can't drive. Stare at it. Crackhead eventually scraps it. Fin.
  14. Musk and Zuckerberg are doing a good job of bringing the dead internet theory to fruition.
  15. Or, hear me out, maybe our understanding of meteorology has improved and there now exists terminology with nuanced description to explain what's going on. Science builds upon itself and gets better, unlike anecdotes that greatly vary from person to person.
  16. Damn, you made me feel genuine sympathy for you. The system doesn't have to be this way, you know.
  17. I believe about a third of lottery sales go to elderly services, so in a way she's just reinvesting in herself.
  18. October 1965, so 59. 😈
  19. APT is an annoying and horrible song.
  20. I occasionally watch his show too. Why don't you call the show and brag about your financial situation like you do here? You won't because the youtube video comments would be so cruel and make us seem like saints.
  21. Gotta keep the memory of her alive.
  22. Lake Hoohaw fugg's hooha
  23. Your electronic gadgets are fucking pathetic. My brother in law's father built an arcade and a claw machine for my nephew.
  24. Yes, I'm sure very few people spend their time in retirment spewing their mental diarrhea on cartoon message boards where they are very unpopular. Who needs grandchildren and hobbies?
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