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Everything posted by Lemming

  1. I thought maybe oh well since I’m depressed I’ll post here but dang if i don’t get a big one
  2. I think YouTube is a big thing for the kids and the other people who aren’t in a relationship
  3. And here I thought leaving an intact prehistoric insect at a Walmart would be funny.
  4. Oh yeah that’s what you want <p>🍔</p>
  5. Oh my goodness you are a very nice man I hope you have some fun and I will talk to you later today
  6. Everything below the skin.
  7. Whatchu think? Imma need a smelter cous this metal is hot
  8. I respectfully decline further comment and bow out of the running for @RainyDayJizz#35
  9. You CANNOT have any more of my jizz. We’re in translation. Flux
  10. A wise choice indeed. Did you know 6 pence would be roughly equivalent to an American half dollar? Don’t check the sources I’m pretty keen to both currencies, as they follow suit in lines, as it were. oh you want a few Ehrgeiz. I’ll have to check around. Hear tales of an offloading but not sure of coin authenticity.
  11. Sure would you like that in pesetas or euros?
  12. Well yessir I be busting them thangs. *makes 50 bucks for eight hours of work*
  13. Rip. I won’t get to know that feeling of persuasion again. Guess I’ll slink back to whatever hovel I came from. To reappear when the sun tenders the spring. That counter says I’m good though finally. Still kinda scary.
  14. I hope you don’t mind me telling you this but you look nice. Disposition +1
  15. Fair warning, I know you’ve got standards, and picking up a medley of cheerios, Frosted Flakes and Raisin Bran would offend me. Thereby offending you for your time spent relocating your TV tray every few minutes.
  16. Hey, what if the color you see in complete darkness is just bibendum in a tuxedo?
  17. hope this finds you well, looks a little off in my opinion
  18. And I didn’t eat that chicken, so you know.
  19. Thanks all for the concern. I’m ok I think.
  20. Thanks good lookout man
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