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Everything posted by Lemming

  1. I was really fortunate to run into The Eagles, The Ramones, and Raffi. We had cable in our home so who in their right mind would be listening to a record when they could be on a Nickelodeon mescaline trip?
  2. Just a long time fan here. How have the ages treated you Mr. NoOneGotShot? I still have the mark you gave me from your spear. *clutches flap of scarred flesh on chest*
  3. Don’t play the fart, don’t play the fart!
  4. Liberating that one bit of accountability from you when you say apparently not makes me think you probably use tools to view this site. I am the only one here replying faithfully
  5. Dell pentium 4 3.4 ghz. Did you successfully datè my bios Mr. FunTimeDehYah?
  6. I would like my name to change into Magnifial Salonche please
  7. Great Pretender-3
  8. Great Pretender-1 and 2
  9. Japanese Tales of the Macabre-4 Ultraman-1
  10. I am not ready to watch a 3 hour block, if that’s what this is. Japanese Tales of the Macabre-3
  11. Japanese Tales of the Macabre- 2
  12. Fo wheel dis time yo
  13. Rage!
  14. You know how hard it is to get lucky 7s?You literally have to go into the canyon and get “lay flat” done on you thousands of times. Oh wait, nvrmd 😦
  15. Too early to tell but looks good. Japanese Tales of the Macabre-1
  16. That’s the thing. I hear it’s only good if you do it twice. Heroines that is.
  17. Sorceress horserass floor furnace I wanna get fuked
  18. 🤓 please give me some psilocybin
  19. Holy asmegma grapes. Let’s let this conversation go even further, my good man.
  20. And your brain explodes with visual diaramas. It goes ratatatatatata 😫
  21. Certain men are stupid. I am allman
  22. Your very name inspires fear in the men who speak it.
  23. Certain things that happen around here are based, yes. But do we really know what drives people to post in the ways they do? This is my friend Susan and she has agreed to let me do a breast self examination with her. Let’s hope it goes well!
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