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Everything posted by Lemming

  1. Eh, you never know. Could be tb
  2. Itā€™s probably a subcutaneous cyst that solidified in your joint. Donā€™t worry they go away.
  3. Quite the contrary, heā€™s a poet and he donā€™t know it.
  4. Ha is that Pictish?
  5. eat this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ3zmu0l7zE :)))
  6. Lemming


    What happened to *waits* any try to channel that lately? No what am I saying??
  7. Lemming


    Scotch rye whisky most of the dark liquor and bourbon of course. Damn, you like ipa?! Me either. Fuck ā€˜em. but I really hesitate to lead you on. Why not a pick me up on me? Special one time bogo offer. Could it go wrong? No heckin way if youā€™re with mee
  8. Oh hey sorry to not introduce myself. Iā€™m Lemming from General and IB. I may have had dealings here with some theme anime and old vhs anime from sci-fi channel in the 90s. I just finished uncle from another world, and it was good. The female anime characters were well illustrated, which is probably why they appeal to Proto-Otakus like me. my other interests are Cyberpunk2077, Ghost in the Shell SAC 2045 and assorted movies like The Witcher series and Akira. I may post episodically or bounce around. Hope to be a good contributor!
  9. F764B51A-3582-4F67-9105-0D57E4803D37.webp
  10. Lemming


    Itā€™s a new spectrum of existence! Or is it?
  11. Lemming


    Thatā€™s on you and yer treadmill. I must recommend and dissuade you from partaking in the local beer, however. Sounds like you can handle tha rye though.
  12. Thatā€™s it. You got it. Meek are we that dare to invision
  13. Am I missing some sort of grand idealization? All Trent Reznor does is come out on stage, sing monotone (lyrics?) and posture like heā€™s Mick Jaggers burly stage double. I think the entirety of ā€œHurt,ā€ was better illustrated by Johnny Cash than Trent Reznor. But i also understand it was a tribute in a way
  14. Thank you oh my tattered nerves.
  15. Lemming


  16. Lemming


    Roxasboxasoxa intoxalolololo
  17. Lemming


    His needs, her needs, their needs. Itā€™s like someone is trying to tell you something.
  18. Lemming


    That would be highly unorthodox.
  19. Uncle from another world-12-13
  20. Iā€™ll have a https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2BEvh6HSQc0
  21. Aye, the embroideries on your glovelets speak of your obvious affluence. It would be a sin for a (cleric) to strike a man in such a position, and I donā€™t want to get gutted over as trivial a thing as five coppers.
  22. Uncle from another world- 10-11
  23. Whassup boyfren?
  24. Uncle from another world- 9
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