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Everything posted by Lemming

  1. I foresee a night of tears in my beer. A blue moon please.
  2. Yes, you can turn two defunct phone numbers into an AI to have incoherent conversations with yourself. Yw
  3. I can’t find a suitable equation because google is full of stupid questions. What I do know is that at a certain point due to the redshift of light you would have traveled farther than what it would take, assuming you are at .9999 percent the speed of light, to return to your home planet in a lifetime. If you travelled 40 years away from Earth at .9999 the speed of light in a self sustaining environment with its own gravity, which is being studied at the ISS atm, you would have travelled to another part of the galaxy for sure, but only that. There might not ever be a way to travel outside of the Milky Way and space time and cell degeneration would be obvious obstacles if we ever wanted to find an exoplanet that could be the new Earth. I suggest you buy Rimworld and skim through the readme for a fictionalized but realistic take away on what would happen to humans far from Earth. In the mean time I will also look for an equation for aging during space travel.
  4. And do you have to have an lcd screen to make them truly portable? I would like to pick up where I left off with halo 3s campaign, which was 16 years ago by my count.
  5. It’s fun having the attack helicopter out the gate.
  6. My life’s the best now that I’ve found valtrex
  7. Lemming


  8. Hey, those people you like… jk
  9. It might take a while but I think Elon Musk’s mettle will not be in question after twitter is recovered from the high yield energy weapons people are using to dry each other’s brains and aortas.
  10. Jingle writers. Societies’ answer to writers forced to enlist everything in their soul so they get paid.
  11. Last time men, guys… gentlemen
  12. 87077C87-CC63-4398-8831-47F21E9EE86A.webp
  13. Elon Musk is lit fam
  14. I want a diphenhydramine cocktail with a dxm blasta. Please
  15. Dudes, DUDES don’t worry. This is my p diddly ass soap box to bitch about the injustices in my life. Don’t like it, talk to my aids.
  16. Thank you (Pat?) for honoring my request.
  17. We all know while the Beatles were smoking Mary Jane in England, Bob Dylan was on just about every drug in the book, and, was making his experiences known in his music. Meanwhile, while the flint stones were still in an experimental phase and Hanna barbera was producing offshoots of Warner bros creations by the dozens, this infamous and not so familiar character came to realization. This has become a burdensome funeral dirge and thorn in my dads side and I don’t see why these strange fucking people are perpetrating their misguided fantasies, with me or my father in their crosshairs. I know Bob Dylan and the Beatles were virtually new borns when the production “Flirty Birdy” came out, but let us commence to saying that these things too come in their relative ways. Time is like a river, and history repeats itself. And if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit. Now let’s all put aside the bad humor and cook this turkey… for science…
  18. I wish I weren’t victimized like this
  19. So every particle I expel in the act of explaining myself to people on the internet is irreversably recorded and cited as odd and ends in the grand universal brick a brack.
  20. Modern metallurgy has probably gone back since the Middle Ages, when in every sword, spear or amor plating you would find that the molecular composition would be remarkably uniform, it’s just not like that with modern smelting and drog forging. But that’s because for the cost of one spear head, you could probably manufacture 10 swords.
  21. You’d only really notice a difference in the integrity of cells in the human body by traveling close or at light speed for quite a few years. If it were 24000 miles per hour for 3 months, about the time it would take to get to Mars, there would hardly be any significant difference.
  22. All ya need is a propane torch, a box of small wrenches and a pint of vodka. I’ve been more with less
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