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Everything posted by ameakooo

  1. god damn you fucks are never happy, are ya
  2. elfie ignored me over this post so suffice to say, they're pretty dumb.
  3. this is literally a nonissue, i hate people
  4. yeah, if I recall parasyte took hunter x hunter's timeslot in japan and both shows were done by madhouse so it was a fun little easter egg.
  5. how the heck am i on your ignore list, brother (or sister)? i rarely post here. i would appreciate it if you didn't put words into my mouth by assuming i hate toonami though. that's a factually incorrect statement.
  6. man I can't believe this show is almost over
  7. is that why kill la kill aired
  8. seeing MA ratings back in the day used to make my goofy young self excited as hell
  9. you can't go wrong with either, both are great.
  10. hxh with the gains pretty much every week give or take. makes me wonder how it would do in an earlier slot but that's probably a pipe dream
  11. I'm not sure if passwords would really count as personally identifiable information if they're secured correctly (hashed). If for some ungodly reason they weren't hashing passwords and storing them in plaintext, it would be very easy to run through all existing accounts, hash their passwords then update all of the relevant files in production. GDPR regulations are mostly for personally identifiable information and disclosing what information websites collect from their users, plus allowing any user in the EU to view or request a website sends them all of the information they've collected about them. Funny enough, GitHub and Twitter both recently experienced an issue where their internal systems were logging plaintext passwords of their users. I wonder if they were using a similar dependency for logging and if MAL potentially uses the same one? However, even if they did run into the same issue, it wouldn't take so long to rectify. The timing of everything is all too convenient though. Who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. man I wonder how colossal of a fuck up went down to cripple site functionality for so long. those who are upset should realize there's a lot of factors that go into back-end development of a website such as MAL. they're handling databases that contain millions of users and probably hundreds of millions of list entries. that's a heavy load of data which needs to be handled with care, so it's not a surprise that downtime has been long. I suppose more transparency would be appreciated, but there would probably be a prolonged state of repetition if they're stuck on fixing up one feature for multiple weeks. part of me wonders if this is GDPR related
  13. you'd have to be silly to think toonami assisting in the production of original anime content only comes out of the toonami budget.
  14. I suppose I'm a bit biased as a huge fan of Hunter x Hunter, but the decision seems pretty silly to me as well. the show has historically held its audience pretty well, especially compared to the likes of Jojo and Gundam. given that, I've always thought it was weird how its never been bumped up earlier in the night, especially considering how much "breathing room" is in the earlier hours now. it might tie into how much the license to air each show costs, but that's just speculation at that point. who knows.
  15. tonight was fun. catch you all next time
  16. these subtitles resemble closed captioning for the English audio far more than subtitles for the Japanese audio. honestly makes it pretty difficult to watch, but I guess it makes sense considering when this show was licensed and the fact that the rights have never re-sold to another company like Funimation, etc.
  17. given the fact that all of the show names on the schedule after FLCL are japanese it should be obvious
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