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Everything posted by ameakooo

  1. they're going for full authenticity
  2. jeez if someone ever told me adult swim would air subbed Hunter x Hunter I'd say they're crazy. this is hilarious.
  3. I don't know what to say.
  4. this movie is an experience and a half.
  5. idk if I'm more upset at your joke or the fact that I laughed at it.
  6. woohoo I finally remembered what the info for this account was a week after one of my favorite episodes aired. I don't tune into Toonami much anymore, but I always make time for Hunter x Hunter. x)
  7. the final chapters was produced like that over in japan land which is why it's 16:9 here as well. i for one am glad they didn't do a shitty upscale for this show because most of the time they look like shit. see: o.g naruto and inuyasha when they were still on the air.
  8. I have never seen Outlaw Star. Super excited to catch it on tomorrow. (tomorrow for me cause im going to sleep cause i work nights (^: )
  9. i believe it's more or less the same. the art style is a little different (darker colors, characters are drawn a little differently) there's some things that were uncensored in the 2011 adaptation that are censored in the 1999 adaptation, and vice versa. not 100% on that though, going by word of mouth since i've never seen the 1999 adaptation either. there's a bit more padding around a lot of key scenes and events since there was less manga at the time. i guess you could argue that it's "filler" but there's not exactly filler episodes, just more stuff added onto scenes that wasn't in the original manga. that's about all I can recall from reading comments and posts around the internet.
  10. Wow. I've mostly been a lurker on here and the asmb since I joined the community back in 2013, but Luuv always gave off the impression of a fairly nice and respectable dude. This is definitely a sad loss and I have nothing but the best wishes for anyone who knew him. Rest in peace.
  11. lmao people really overreacted to this
  12. is there any news about a dub yet i'm like 80% less hyped until dub news surfaces
  13. the fact that you can't optimize a webserver on a 6 core machine to run a message board is probably an overlooked issue by many users.
  14. oh nice
  15. well sentai has never really been known for producing quality dubs so it comes as no surprise.
  16. fair point i was probably half awake when i wrote that (like right now)
  17. i mean for me the logical step here would have been to simply move everything up a slot and place samurai jack at the end of the block but i guess that's too easy.
  18. hey that's cool i'll chill in the discord any time i'm on my pc (all the time, i work from home)
  19. it's not that big of a deal dude focus on more important things in life.
  20. is that your silly way of saying you would have preferred sailor moon over kill la kill? cause that's a very dumb way of putting it.
  21. the camera doesn't pan in that shot. i didn't get a super good angle of it but a tiny bit more than half of the K is shown, i believe.
  22. did s&p make a mistake here or is the text on the wall actually allowed to air?? that's the real question here
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