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Everything posted by scope

  1. Whiteside doesn't have the mental temperament to be a good leader.
  2. Objectively the only update that matters.
  3. This is how I picture your accent (The Dennis one ofc)
  4. The same woman who directed that directs Yuri on Ice!!
  5. Stay tuned for the episode where Eren gets hungry and eats his finger and turns into a giant elf.
  6. But what happened in Women's billiards?
  7. I just ignore those because in a few seconds they go away....like herpes.......wait......
  8. I've never met a person that didn't desire those things.
  9. Phantom Watcher
  10. Hands of Stone 6/10 Bland narrative and one-dimensional characters but it's Roberto Duran so I mildly enjoyed it.....there are much better films about boxers tho
  11. Because it's over 9000?
  12. Yeah
  13. Was just thinking the other day Romo might go to the Jets....would be a good team for him I think.
  14. That and Toonami costs a pretty penny while a good portion of their original comedies cost them fuck all to make....and I say this as a fan of most of their comedies but there's a reason a lot of shows are stop motion or have little to no in between animation.
  15. Why don't you just set up an OKC date or two and steal their laptop?
  16. Yeah I like anime too but there are plenty ways to watch anime nowadays if you don't like Toonami....Hunter x Hunter is awesome but if you're going into it like "let's see what the big deal is" you're gonna be disappointed with whatever it is you're watching.
  17. Why do you watch it then?
  18. You didn't miss much, the fight before it wasn't bad tho.
  19. Jojo's gets a lot better after the first arc.....so about 10 eps in, dunno anything about the dub tho.
  20. I caved and watched the Crawford fight because....well it was on....can't say I was surprised by anything except how insane Molina is for keeping that pressure on for as long as he did.
  21. So you make a thread separating your gay and straight friends and then complaining you feel singled out because you're gay and you don't see the hypocrisy in that?......What am I saying of course you don't
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