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Everything posted by scope

  1. Willing to admit quite a few of those albums I'm into ....how do you feel about Slowdive?
  2. Yeah stuff about Jenna Marbles should really have penetration, err....punctuation!
  3. Yeah her "content"......hard.....those other words you typed.
  4. Jenna Marbles be like
  5. Just gonna say.....you're in for a terrific game.....that's not a spoiler right?
  6. LOL can't say I blame you there.
  7. For scientific purposes?
  8. Lillard is so nice.....shame the Blazers got rid of all his help.
  9. The Unicorns-Who Will Cut Our Hair Radiohead-Kid A Ghostface-Supreme Clintele Strokes-Is This It Avalanches-Since I Left You New Pornographers Clinic-Internal Wrangler Microphones-The Glow Amnesiac The Books-Lemon of Pink I like a bunch of albums from the early 2010s but sorry no way.....
  10. Yeah plus fedoras were cool to wear back then.....and now well.....
  11. Gail the Snail is a destruction of my boner.
  12. That type of stuff never bothered me, it was more like "hey look at my kids 500 times" or "I am currently eating lunch" blah....
  13. Adult swim mistook them for women and fired them.
  14. Got rid of my Facebook because I got tired of seeing people I don't care about narcissitically post about their lives in what is obviously a desperate attempt to convince themselves they're not sad.
  15. Keijo is a deconstruction of my boner.
  16. This kawaii
  17. I'm thankful that Kanye West is now safely locked away where he cannot harm himself or others.
  18. Haven't decided yet.
  19. LOL Keijo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! would bomb so hard on Toonami
  20. Eerie song....RIP
  21. Lupin is old tho....and old anime is objectively trash.
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