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Everything posted by scope

  1. I'm bored outta my gourd. So I took a hammer and nailed my foot to the floor board of my Ford.
  2. I met a retarded kid named Greg with a wooden leg. Snatched it off, beat him over the fuckin head with his peg.
  3. Yeah in the beginning I was naive enough to think we would be alright with Phil, I think he's been bitter since he realized they weren't going to run the triangle, their best recent years were with Mike Woodson who Phil fired, Phil has a napoleon complex and seems to think he can dictate everything that happens on court from his office.
  4. The worst thing about Sailor Moon: It aired.
  5. Big L shot dice a lot, think he had an addiction to it.
  6. When a beloved ex-player like Charles Oakley is shunned by the organization for making honest comments about the state of a shitty team it pretty much sums up the franchise at this point, I'm not even surprised anymore and it shows they don't care about their players or fans....James Dolan is a joke he's unfit to run the team.....and I know Charles was wrong to put his hands on people tonight but it was a long time brewing with a team he shed blood, sweat and tears for and they try to treat him like a pariah but at least the fans love him....also fuck Phil Jackson just because
  7. With an owner who appears to have given up on the team and a team that appears to have given up on basketball, I can't imagine the Knicks making the playoffs for at least a few years, I've only watched about 3 games since new years, if they're not going to show any fight there are better things I could fill my time with, fed up with them.
  8. So hyped for Yamato.....2199 was the shit.
  9. scope

    Quick question

    If any thread belonged in Dumpster Fires....
  10. It's alright to me, terrific performance by Denzel but (much like Pacino in Scarface) I think if you take that away from the movie it doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.
  11. Knicks should consider starting O'Quinn consistently, I knew Noah would be injury prone but I expected him to at least make an impact defensively and on the boards and it appears he's over the hump....plus O'Quinn has been solid this year and it would get Hernangomez more much needed minutes.
  12. Don't shrug your shoulders, it's bad for your posture.
  13. Hahaha damn...
  14. Totally agree on this subject, Lebron is just looking at the Warriors roster and getting nervous/jealous.....he has one of the best guards in the game in Kyrie who I think outplayed Steph in the finals, Melo never complains like this even with the weak help he gets on the Knicks. Idk whatever happened to being loyal to your organization and not pissing and moaning like an entitled pussy.....Allen Iverson was one of the best guards of all time and the Sixers perpetually gave him absolutely no help....he may have complained about a lot of things but he never complained about not getting help.....these players nowadays have this annoying entitled attitudes that never existed in the hard nosed 90s NBA or even the early 2000s....Westbrook for example clearly has a grudge for what has happened with his organization but he doesn't blame the organization for it he just bangs out triple doubles every night....I love Lebron but on this issue he needs to shut his whiny mouth.
  15. It's a game where you eat enchaliditos and go to a farm with a box.
  16. Mixboy
  17. Back to rehab or back to mma?
  18. For any number
  19. My vote is for asians
  20. Haven't seen any crying porn....yet.
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