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Everything posted by scope

  1. Why you should watch Battle Tendency: Because JoJo's gets better every arc.
  2. I login expecting them.
  3. Early is known for being thoughtful to others.
  4. Get the squanch outta here with that squanching
  5. Zeni refers to all his restraining orders as "certificates of love"
  6. Just forget the W-2 and go build a cabin in the woods and live off the grid.
  7. Was unaware a stat page even existed here.
  8. I wonder what generic boob shonen will replace it....wait no I don't
  9. Lost footage of Grandpappy Zeni http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8JVsra_lFhU/T6G6woI4ewI/AAAAAAAAALg/eeYfID5CP_o/s1600/Goole+boxer3.jpg[/img]
  10. Everyone is either running out of interesting things to talk about or chafing too much from....visiting other websites....or both.
  11. If they add the original series or War in the Pocket I'll be interested.
  12. "The Gang Cracks the LaLa Land Ball"
  13. I might care if I'd seen over 15% of the films nominated... -_'
  14. Lots of good fights coming up so I figured why not make a thread. GGG vs Jacobs Garcia vs Thurman Joshua vs Klitschko Canelo vs Chavez Jr. Brook vs Spence ...and now Khan vs Pac Which fight are you most excited for?
  15. Yeah I see it the most on youtube comments and in the anime community it's usually couple with poor grammar and general nonsense like...."OMG you hate Sword Art Onlime....it is masterpiece you should kell yourself and ur mom because people die when they are kelled" so I guess that's why I thought it was mostly kids but I feel bad for them too, it's definitely an unhealthy way to vent that's only gonna exacerbate the underlying issue.
  16. Definitely Brock....Hatred can be pretty funny but he and his man tits got old after a while.
  17. I thought telling people to kill themselves online or you hope they get cancer was something only teenagers did until I signed up for ASMB
  18. Yeah I don't think they have too much outside of Holliday and Davis, but I'm amazed they were able to hold onto jrue. Man, what an awful deal for the kings...maybe they think they're getting the version of tyreke Evans they drafted or something
  19. Plus Jrue Holliday is better than a scrub of a point guard and all he really needs to do is get either of them the ball, I think they'll make a seven seed or so this season and I don't envy the team that plays them
  20. Sometimes I can't telling if he's trolling or just has awful taste in everything....or maybe both, he did make videos of himself drinking tall boys of Miller lite while listening to 3 doors down
  21. Yeah because sony and Microsoft always have more promising looking launch titles than breath of the wild....
  22. Perfect
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