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Everything posted by scope

  1. Saving this one to watch next weekend, but I'm excited for it. One of the most classic manga of all time + Yuasa + not having to adhere to TV ratings....can imagine I'm going to love this.
  2. He's even smoother in action.
  3. "It's a great cinema film" -Brought to you by Carl's Jr.
  4. Cus sometimes you just gotta.
  5. I just realized my rep is the same as the first two digits of the last four digits of your number. "But what does this all mean?" You may ask. The answer is that I was your Uncle in a past life.
  6. 47 Intercourse Ave.
  7. Land of the Lustrous was sick this year. The statement that all CG anime is bad used to be true, but is becoming less and less so.
  8. Hands down. My first attraction to an animated character, I remember watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit when I was 7-10 or so and thinking "why does my pee-pee feel funny"
  9. Haven't been paying enough attention but I can bet Robin Lopez is part of the Bulls' recent success. He's just a competitor and brings his all every night, a bit like Kanter.
  10. So Lebron picks Kyrie for his all star team...
  11. This is the only community I've seen that prefers the first series to Brotherhood, I refuse to call the 2003 one the "original" just because it was first, it differs greatly from the manga. They're both pretty solid shows and different enough to watch both, but for me Brotherhood had a lot better conclusion and some of the most well executed action in a shonen, especially in the last 13 eps or so it was just a thrill ride.
  12. Maybe I'm in the minority but I like the Eagles' chances.
  13. He should be allowed on Christmas
  14. Shit always getting in the way
  15. Mine are the only posts I read and I read them several times. My vote is for me.
  16. It took me five years to graduate mostly because I hardly attended. Never went to prom. Did go to parties but don't remember much of them, I know I was trippin my balls off during the turn of the millenium tho.
  17. Zeni, the only thing you step to is Dance Dance Revolution
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