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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. Whenever I've gone to Subway and ordered a cheesesteak sub, they always skimp on the steak. Most of the sandwich is bread unless you order extra meat. The locally owned joints and Wawa all put far more meat on their cheesesteaks.
  2. I won't even eat at Chick-fil-A because of their homophobic ways. As a trans lesbian, I can't support them like that. I've got Royal Farms, Popeye's, and some local places near me instead. Hell, I could make my own fried chicken at home and it'd taste better than Homophobe-fil-A.
  3. I haven't. And there are local options near me that have better subs anyway. Even Wawa makes better subs; my go-to is a steak sub with bacon and oregano on it.
  4. CRTs have one advantage when it comes to retro gaming: You can use light guns and active shutter 3D glasses with them. Those peripherals rely on the path of the electron beam and the exact timing standard of CRTs to work. They won't work with a modern flat-panel.
  5. Hope the new decor gives this RV some drip.
  6. Chobits episodes 19-24
  7. One year and one month of HRT!
  8. That's a bit outside of my domain. I'm more of a paleontology, evolutionary biology, and astronomy girl.
  9. I like the KFC slogan. The Dawn one? Not so much.
  10. Chobits episodes 10-18 The second ending song makes me cry.
  11. Any alien life might not even have the same chemical basis as us. Earth life is based on carbon and depends on liquid water for survival. Aliens could be based on a different element such as boron or silicon, maybe metal oxides. Different planets, different chemical bases, different environments, different selection pressures.
  12. Chobits episodes 1-9 So hard to believe it's an old show now.
  13. Ghost sightings and other paranormal stuff is often rooted in subjective convictions and anecdotes. Subjective convictions mean dick in science and eyewitness testimony is the least reliable form of evidence. For instance, if I went into my front yard and saw a large sauropod walking along the street, I'd be quite convinced of what I see. I'd be more satisfied if I walked up to the dinosaur, followed it for a bit, and found that I could touch it, maybe even ride it if I wanted to. When I gather enough sense to run back home for my phone to take pictures of it, I might not find the animal again because I don't know which way it went. But that doesn't matter to me because I saw, felt, and smelled it. And I remember all this with a sober and rational mind. But when I tell others, no one believes me. Someone else might say that she saw a dinosaur, but her description is vastly different, such that we can't both be talking about the same animal. When days go by and there's no footprints, no excrement, no destruction, no sign of the beast at all, no explanation for how a 20-meter long non-avian dinosaur could suddenly disappear in the middle of a busy beach resort town, much less how it appeared there in the first place, nor any eyewitnesses whose testimony lends credence to mine, it becomes easier to explain all the impossibilities against that dinosaur being there. Eventually, even I, the eyewitness, would have to admit that although I did see it, I still don't know if it was ever really there. Positive claims require positive evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And extraordinary evidence is what I'd need because my sighting isn't just extraordinary, it's impossible. Same goes for ghosts, Bigfoot, Nessie, etc.
  14. Yesterday afternoon, I saw a kestrel trapped in the gazebo on my back deck. It was between the sofa and the screen, flapping its wings. Because it was flapping about, the bird showed no injuries. I moved some furniture out of the way, then approached the kestrel without fear. Birb tried to nip at my hand a couple times, but I calmed it down by talking to it gently. I grabbed its foot and freed the talons one by one, then lifted the screen just so. The bird looked at me as if to thank me, then flew right off. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures or I'd post some for you. But that was my good deed for the day.
  15. As a teenager, I once visited Fort Delaware with my mom, stepdad, and half-sister. It's an old Civil War-era fort that was used to house Confederate POWs. Later, it was used during World War II. Today, it's a museum. It's considered a haunted spot. But there was nothing creepy when I went there, and that was during the day.
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