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Everything posted by Heshi

  1. Been sweating my tits off, which is rather lame since I liek my tits.
  2. I hate pissy floors >_<
  3. rushmeat saw me in a tiny pink dress...
  4. camaro_racer, FEAR_FACTORY, kirbyhasagun, sum_41, irvine_kinneas, mtxcamaro, lilelvengirl, drunkelvengirl wait <.< >.> Ravi!!!!!1!!111 er psycho_raven
  5. Bit more nerdy then dorky meow
  6. Just how much the one guy I had sex with looked like Stevie T meow O.O
  7. Heshi


    I'm a whisky girl meow ^,^ or bourbon, scotch maybe even rye Still gotta haf tat eyeshadow though...
  8. *Claire downs the delightful gin based beverage and laments the death of her footwear* Meow
  9. Heshi


    That I should buy a whole lotta makeup Meow :O
  10. Heshi


    Silly me thinking that would be a good thing Meow
  11. I really don't like Hilary meow x.X probably cause I'm ex-military and she made a right mess out of an embassy situation I'd rather think about what color to paint my nails
  12. Thankies meow,I had bought some eyeshadow and mascara shortly before and wore them during the session :O
  13. Unless Rubio runs I might just skip the next one meow idk
  14. Thanks I need all I can get since I live in redneckville, I'm a bit redneck too though which makes it all the more awkward meow
  15. I know right The messy bit is I've voted Republican 3 out of 4 times I voted Meow [though I skipped romney cause he's a tool and Halo 4 had just came out]
  16. *"Da" she mutters and switches to requesting a Tom Collins instead*
  17. I had read it before I posted Meow :p I was tired though so I'm sure most of the shit didn't make sense
  18. ooh 90's movies Terminator 2, Demolition Man and Starship Troopers are my faves Meow ... [80's wins for me though Aliens is my totz fav]
  19. Coolies Meow ^.^ I started kinda DMing last year
  20. Mochi!!! Free for all was what I bookmarked and had a oh shit did this place die while I was procrastinating my return Meow ::O
  21. I got into Linkin Park when Circuit City wouldn't sale me a Kid Rock cd cause I was still a few months away from turning 16... I may have aged myself a bit Meow
  22. *Claire Heshi struts in wearing a raspberry colored dress with platinum 5 inch heels* *She trips breaking one of her heels* *"Fuck" she whines* *Accepting her fate she sighs and asks for a white Russian*
  23. Teh Heshi is confused Meow >_<
  24. I find it rather annoying meow, but I'm a trans woman who voted for Trump twice Trying to balance moderate right political views while being in the LGBTQ+ group is frakin awkward meow X_X Wait whaaaaa boobs iz besser wort IDKMYBFFJILL
  25. Depends on how much crying the mistaken identity would cause...
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