I really don't like Hilary meow x.X
probably cause I'm ex-military and she made a right mess out of an embassy situation
I'd rather think about what color to paint my nails
I know right
The messy bit is I've voted Republican 3 out of 4 times I voted Meow [though I skipped romney cause he's a tool and Halo 4 had just came out]
I got into Linkin Park when Circuit City wouldn't sale me a Kid Rock cd cause I was still a few months away from turning 16...
I may have aged myself a bit Meow
*Claire Heshi struts in wearing a raspberry colored dress with platinum 5 inch heels*
*She trips breaking one of her heels*
*"Fuck" she whines*
*Accepting her fate she sighs and asks for a white Russian*
I find it rather annoying meow, but I'm a trans woman who voted for Trump twice
Trying to balance moderate right political views while being in the LGBTQ+ group is frakin awkward meow X_X
Wait whaaaaa boobs iz besser wort IDKMYBFFJILL