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Everything posted by Heshi

  1. Doesn't really feel quite right without the #ff0066 font color, but I forgot html and really only got a PS4 to post with so shit er um Meow
  2. I love that song Meow
  3. Awkward Meow and disssapointing...
  4. I had pizza and cookies today too Meow :O I had a sandwich and chips for breakfast though, so I'z failed Meow
  5. I sorry Meow I commuted to a community college and my only time in a dorm was the military, so I can't be helpfull... Though I swore very loudly and frequently at Modern Warfare 2 during a lot of that Meow feel betterz and stuff ^.^
  6. YaY NecRo BuMp MeoW!!1! also the first successful non rigid parachute use was in the 1790's Meow
  7. But there aren't kings in meh Queendom :O oh teh tyming is liek extra weird cause years ago I tried to join reddit, but meh PS4 was all liek nah I'ma be derpie instead so I didn't try again until yesterday day I was on there looking up Archer's tinnitus cause my ear was ringing and I do teh mawp mawp thing cause of that show and a ting popped up to join through Google so I was liek sure I'll try and it worked so liek first thing I looked up was ASMB and ended up here Meow... Teeheehee didn't proof read that and its all typed on da PlayStation pop up keyboard tingie Meow
  8. I'll cut a bitch Meow
  9. I couldn't fly under teh bridges in Ace Combat 6 when I was drunk... I've not done drunk VR in the 7th one, which is probably a good thing Meow
  10. I got about 30 little nibble marks on meh hand from an adorable Russian Blue Meow... I sides wif teh kitteh Meow
  11. I'm Queen of the ghost castle Meow
  12. <font color="#ff0066"> Teeheehee Doom Meow <font color="#ff0066">
  13. I never really listened to Bodom, but its a pretty big loss for metal Meow
  14. Yer welcomes Meow and tankies, uh mostly playin PlayStation Meow
  15. I'm liek all kindsa outta date Meow
  16. yippers molar :p ... Hmm only I'd say aye, umm I miss my ff0066 color meow then again when I was intoximacated I'd use meh drunkelvengirl alt and not really haf a clue Meow though not much drinkin after I left teh Air Force Meow oh oh I know ahem MEOW
  17. Happy anniversary!! I think it was in 04 when I was swallowed up by teh asmb Meow
  18. w00t w00t Meow
  19. As far as I know Meow...
  20. Those are bigger than my xm-15 and m1911, haf fun Meow
  21. I rememerberz that name la gasp, so happy some day after yer birf day Meow
  22. but I just got here Meow T_T
  23. I are teh Heshi Meow pretend thats in ff0066 color...
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