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Everything posted by Heshi

  1. How great it'll be to be rid of testosterone and start taking estrogen meow
  2. Thank you, I'll probably need it x.X Meow
  3. So I Finally got a gender dysphoria diagnosis and I'm heading towards feminizing hormone therapy O.O It just took 22 or 23 years to come out meow (and if you pay taxes thank you... I'm doing it through Veterans Affairs :p) hopefully I don't hit a massive roadblock o_O Meow
  4. okay meow here we go... Star Trek, Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine, Star Trek Voyager, Enterprise, Star Trek Discovery, Star Trek Picard and Star Trek Lower Decks (partial to TNG and Voy)
  5. I keep seeing fraking Johnny Silverhand Meow
  6. I've never had it, though in high school we did a mock trial and I managed to sway the rest of the jury to a guilty verdict with just circumstancial evidence... Meow
  7. welp I've never cosplayed meow, oh and who?
  8. liek omg Meow yew are sooo adorable *.*
  9. *Fucks off... Fine Meow I go and go down on Jager instead... I have outta the message board game so long I'm not even sure whats acceptable
  10. aww tiny lil weewee meow, I was told that I have a big dick
  11. that made me think of an ole number seven bottle goin up da ass o.o and in that case the pleutonic route seem preferrabe Meow...
  12. sorriez I too poor to donate Meow, glücklich though
  13. they even make guitar effects pedals, or they at least rebrand nux pedals, I useta eat der animal cracker thingies Meow
  14. me and Jack are liek total besties Meow
  15. I was a weapons troop Meow loading munitions and what not...
  16. Well of course Meow :p (hehe I'll be 36 in April as well)
  17. just channel Captain Riker Meow...
  18. I just play video games till I'm about to konk out, I don't have much of a schedule Meow
  19. I'm sorry Meow, my toy poodle died 2 months ago and I miss the lil bugger somthin fierce
  20. My squadron in teh Air Force didn't have giant robots Meow, unless the F-15s were actually Decepticons...
  21. That was me making excuses I think, main problem is meh Cyberpunk 2077 addiction, that still has a ways to go Meow
  22. I visited them once, everyone was all omg heshi, but meh PlayStation was all nope can't post a message wif me so I was all liek Meow
  23. Molarrrrrr hehe I'd have to do a lotta hard drive reshufflin cause I got 4tb filled though 180gb of it is MW2019 Meow...
  24. I haz PlayStation Meow, not as in PlayStation Now just I haz PlayStation Meow.
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