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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Lmfao, I love Vegeta's smart ass. >
  2. Okay, I changed my mind. The upgrade didn't do a fuckin' thing.
  3. To be fair, I've noticed *some* improvement. But yeah, it didn't fix the problem completely.
  4. Why is Goku so surprised? I mean, shit. He tried sparing Frieza's life, and the guy tried to kill him despite only having an upper body intact.
  5. These two fucking hate each other's guts. >
  6. Cheap move, but totally expected from someone like Frieza.
  7. Was Frieza always shorter than Goku? I don't remember.
  8. Yep, this is a legitimate rivalry.
  9. Feels like it's been more than two weeks since the last episode played.
  10. Shit. Now people are going to say that Goldar is still alive after maybe two years of silence...
  11. Used to play this all the time, but never knew the artist until recently.
  12. This shit is why I went against getting a Master's degree, dropped out of journalism and became an EMT. I can't sit and write for hours. I need to actually do shit. My last paper was 54 pages and covered the portrayal of Puerto Ricans in North American media. I hated the process. You are fucking godly for writing that much...
  13. Probably not. Maybe so. I don't know. I thought NaBraniel was dead a week or two ago, but apparently it was just a joke. It's hard to tell.
  14. Teaser for Godzilla: Monster Planet. Fuuuck, that CGI still looks bad even though it's better than Polygon's previous attempts.
  15. I expect plenty of "good olds" to say it's not as good as the first series.
  16. This is probably the best thing they could have replaced AoT S2 with. I was sad to see the first season end. But everything's okay now, since we get more Jojo.
  17. Hey, what do you know? You were right. Toonami just announced on their FB page that they have dibs on Season 2 and it will be broadcast beginning in October.
  18. Per Toonami's Facebook page. We knew it would happen eventually. All I know is that I'll tune out during the time slot it takes up.
  19. No lie. I used to think Elven Lied was the shit when I first started to actively watch anime. Now I know that it's just shit. But it's still better than Tokyo Ghoul, by many miles.
  20. It'd make sense if this was in the east, near the Maryland-Virginia-West Virginia metropolitan area. But Jesus Christ, that's a terrible story.
  21. Nabraniel died? Jesus,fuck.
  22. Alright, I'm caught up and all I can say is that I hope Nobunaga gets his shit stomped into the ground. That's assuming he and Kurapika even fight.
  23. 2/10, would not watch again. Possibly the worst show to ever pop into the Toonami block by far. Can't wait for season two... :
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