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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Is this supposed to be funny?
  2. Guy in the white suit reminds me of my manager.
  3. I wish we could fast forward past this shitty intro.
  4. So, hopefully the finale will be excellent. I hope Eren tears that titan apart.
  5. I take it back. I guess he's noble in some ways.
  6. I believe in the first season he had everyone so spread out that they were easy to pick off. He essentially sacrificed his soldiers.
  7. You'd think that guy would receive a discharge already.
  8. Nice, tearful bleeding heart moment there. But they still killed plenty of people.
  9. The more Ymir talks, the more I wish she'd die. She was a nothing character before this season.
  10. Hoping that this episode is worth the wait.
  11. I forgot just how badly Supreme Kai gets pummeled by Buu.
  12. Buu is on Babidi's leash. Shit gets real.
  13. So much vitriol in this fight. It's fucking glorious.
  14. I'm picking up that Kong: Skull Island Blu-Ray on Tuesday. Gonna' be fuckin' sweet.
  15. With the amount of sweat these characters do in these episodes, we could make a drinking game out of this. One shot per frame in which a character has a sweat drop. We'd all be dead. But it could still be done.
  16. Gotta' love how Gohan and Supreme Kai are taking it seriously, while Babidi's brain is just shitting itself.
  17. This is probably the most brutal fight in DBZ that I can think of.
  18. This episode made it feel like ending the previous episode on a new transformation was a wasted effort of building tension.
  19. Frieza gets verbally whipped by Beerus.
  20. My opinion will likely be an unpopular, but I can't say that I'd be sad if Beerus didn't exist as a character.
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