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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Yeah, it was.....but this one has people in it, which makes it more noticeable to me.
  2. Holy shit, the intro is in CGI? I skipped when I watched the first episode, so I didn't notice. OH YEAH, there was no opening in the first episode.
  3. Introducing the latest character archetype: The brooding painter who can't get the girls.
  4. This new Jojo has a harem (of sorts). That is hilarious!
  5. Did the last series have recaps? I don't remember, lol.
  6. Sabat really knew what tone of voice to use during this moment. Impressive.
  7. Uhhhhh....a Cartoon Network ad this late at night? The fuck? >
  8. Unlike Goku, Piccolo has absolutely no mercy.
  9. So....was that just giving Piccolo a power boost or something?
  10. Babidi is about to get bitch-slapped, methinks.
  11. Vaguely reminds me of The Lion King for some reason.
  12. Should be an established technique in the video games. "Buu's Workout Regimen."
  13. Lol, the critters are literally coming out of the woodwork to check out Gohan.
  14. I remember earlier in the year when it was playing during the recap of Videl being beaten by Spopovich. Made me feel really uncomfortable.
  15. Well, it's nice to see that the new outro is being allowed.
  16. Lol, they're like children.
  17. Champa: "Don't call me tubby." Beerus: "Don't call me scrawny."
  18. More than likely, our world would be the Earth in Universe 6.
  19. Lol, the egg just tastes like a REGULAR EGG. Lmfao, Akira Toriyama's consistency is like pudding, but he does know how to nail the small pieces of humor.
  20. I love that they used the old clip from the 1990's for their Outlaw Star promo.
  21. So, Beerus has a terrible memory? Okay...
  22. Lmfao. Champa can only walk so much before getting tired.
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