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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. If this episode is just going to be a beam fight...I'll be disappointed.
  2. Is his name really "Chompa?"
  3. Pacing was better in the original series and even if fights lasted a long time, we'd get more fighting in the first five episodes than what we're getting in DBS.
  4. The color turned so bright that the colors on my TV are fucked up now.
  5. Lol, it's always great when Frieza gets pissed off.
  6. Btw, I'm not sure how it happened, but how did Frieza train if he was tied up in Hell for so long?
  7. "Looks like you'll die another day." HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. [url= ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBuZaxYxYEc
  8. I guess the percentage he gave gives the title a little more credence for existing.
  9. I missed the last episode for work obligations, but I'm here now.
  10. Tough shit. Did he expect Killua to stay quiet?
  11. Lmfao, that fucking bluff ALMOST backfired!
  12. Lol, Kurapika is ready to beat the shit out of him!
  13. I'm going to be a sad panda when this arc is over.
  14. LMFAO! Either Leorio or Kurapika has Crollo!
  15. LOL, these bitches were had for a brief moment.
  16. Lmfao, Leorio is acting so slick!
  17. The tsundere is actually somewhat adorable now. I don't fucking get it. Whatever. Better start than I expected, but it's just average right now.
  18. Love how the city is so fucking quiet when EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE.
  19. I appreciate that Funimation is trying their damndest to make the voice acting work, but that modified voice work just doesn't fucking cut it.
  20. Lmfao! What a bunch of bitches.
  21. Jesus Christ, Kaneki took too long to become a "badass."* **Denotes sarcasm.
  22. Of course, MC comes in to save the day.
  23. The fact that I only recognize Amon should say just how poor of a job Pierrot did with establishing these characters.
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