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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. After two weeks of absence, I'm caught up. Let's do this!
  2. Ironically, this film was more polarizing among American fans than Legendary's attempt, which everyone hoped would be properly executed. I went to Kentucky to see this film in a full house and enjoyed it a lot. A lot of punches were thrown that I never expected, and Anno's wit never ceases to amaze me. I'm hoping that the anime film coming in November is just as potent.
  3. Well, unfortunately, I won't be watching tonight. Cable is out. I guess I'll be heading to bed earlier than expected tonight. Maybe next week! (Fuck Time Warner.)
  4. My cable is spotty. Really hoping this doesn't hamper tonight's show.
  5. It's like these stupid motherfuckers WANT to lose millions of dollars in revenue.
  6. Gyaos


    While sleeping, probably 13 hours as a young college student who did nothing but lie around on his days off.
  7. For years I was prescribed Adderall to help with ADHD. I no longer take it, but back when I did, I never felt hungry. The medication suppresses one's appetite. I could go almost an entire day without eating. I was also underweight for years. The medicine made eating feel like a chore, rather than a necessity. Dangerous shit... Not sure what OP takes, but certain medications do have that effect on people.
  8. > Senpai > "Who the fuck is that?" *Ded.*
  9. #14 makes a lot of sense when you think about it. "Spike could have killed most of the villains in the series with his Devilmite beam, yet he never shows up again, even when the safety of the world is at stake." He was probably restricted to cameos for this reason. A single Devilmite Beam probably would have been more than enough to kill some of DBZ's antagonists. Can't have him in the picture if you want a long lasting series.
  10. So yeah, back to boring Greed Island main questing.
  11. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! No nen = no more fighting!
  12. Hisoka's #1 goal right now is to fight Chrollo.
  13. .....Why didn't he break the chains before that point? Fucking Gon. >
  14. Lol, the Spiders are about to eat their own legs.
  15. I only know it's the last episode of this arc because it's in the thread title.
  16. Last episode of the YorkNew City arc. It's been a great one, tbh. Hope this one ends on a potent note.
  17. What the fuck is even going on?
  18. LMFAO! His fingernails are painted black!
  19. Okay. She made me laugh. +1 respect
  20. How did this kid get a job looking like a reject from Hot Topic? I guess employment opportunities are more abundant there.
  21. Hey. Amon. You're talking to a gravestone. He can't hear you. Because he's dead. Not sure if you're aware of this fact.
  22. Lol, there was a reason other than concealing their identities?
  23. No, they didn't. But most of the anime by them I've tried to sit down and watch, I couldn't because they were trite and didn't break any significant ground. I don't know why I'm surprised with this lazy attempt at "storytelling."
  24. Studio Pierrot didn't even fucking try to introduce these characters...
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