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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Now can Gohan turn Super Saiyan already? He wouldn't have wasted time if this were the Buu Saga.
  2. To answer Daos's question: I don't think the show remembers the rules that come with Ginyu's powers.
  3. Lol, good cover up. I forgot about Dende's wish.
  4. Of course, fusion craps out. And Frieza suffers flashbacks from the war his ill-fated encounter with Future Trunks.
  5. Wait, how did the frog make it off of Planet Namek again?
  6. So, judging by the episode title, Ginyu should make a return here?
  7. I wouldn't know anything about pressure washing driveways. I've only ever lived in places that had gravel lots.
  8. Being an EMT, heroin overdoses are some of my most common calls. I think I've seen too much at this point. I know people who died from using it. For this reason, I fucking hate drug dealers.
  9. I didn't particularly like Bleach after the Soul Society arc, so pre-Soul Society is his best phase. He was still developing as a character.
  10. .....Why, though? Independence Day is on a Tuesday. -_'
  11. 12 more episodes of angst? Alrighty. I'll be here making fun of it as always. wink
  12. Hisoka is so powerful that he knows he can get away with it, most likely.
  13. Lmfao, he gave zero fucks about giving that paper over to her. Even though it spelled EVERYTHING out regarding his dealings with Kurapika.
  14. So, Meteor City IS the junkyard from the beginning of the episode.
  15. LOL, so pretty much if they fight Kurapika, the Phantom Troupe are going to get their asses romped and stomped into the ground.
  16. Yes, that is Chrollo's ability. He can steal other people's abilities and adapt them to suit his own needs.
  17. Probably. The last few episodes were engaging. Sad to see it go back to this so quickly.
  18. LOL, this guy is questioning Leorio's friendship with the others in the group!
  19. Chrollo played in a junkyard as a kid? Lol. I'm guessing that was him, anyway.
  20. He was a sadistic old man and a killing machine. The new kid reminds me of Ed from Cowboy Bebop, Hot Topic style.
  21. How did this freak get hired?
  22. So, Amon is actually considering MC's words after the fact.
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