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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I forgot about the Colossal Titan's environmental effects. That explains it a bit more.
  2. I don't understand. They weren't in the combat zone. How did they get injured? Eren was the one taking shots and dealing them.
  3. I know. It was my biggest problem with season one. The plot relies too heavily on flashbacks to advance the story or fill their episode quota. I may tune out this round.
  4. Of course, it wouldn't be an AoT episode without an obligatory flashback.
  5. Pardon me for not remembering, but what exactly did Misaka do to end up in that state?
  6. Levi always knows how to crawl under people's skins.
  7. I complained because they showed the promo after DBZ Kai's conclusion. Hadn't seen it all week.
  8. Fuck Toonami and its spoiling promos.
  9. Goku just looks angry. And Vegeta seems manic under Babidi's control (if he even is).
  10. Honestly, sometimes I wonder how he earned the title "Supreme Kai" when his power level is lesser than that of a Super Saiyan's.
  11. On an unrelated note, War for the Planet of the Apes is going to be a GREAT film.
  12. A fight is inevitable at this point. I know that much.
  13. The most disturbing thing about this is that one could easily interpret Vegeta's own actions as being purely his intention. Not just mind control.
  14. Vegeta is at his most ruthless point since his days traveling with Nappa to find the Dragon Balls.
  15. Time for some carnage. Maybe? Hopefully? This part was a blur for me.
  16. The kid who defeated Cell is getting beaten by Frieza's base form. Incredible.
  17. Frieza appears to have popped a blood vessel after seeing Gohan's empathetic nature.
  18. Super Saiyan. Took long enough.
  19. Now to discover the horrors that await Goku and Vegeta in this strange realm.
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