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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Video games. Christmas. New Year's Eve. Basically most holidays.
  2. I don't remember making this thread last night.... > "Maker's Mark" OOOHHHHH, that's why.
  3. I think they should have kept it as it was. Not everything alien needs to have different colored blood. Red would work.
  4. SIKE. I don't have one. A year is just a number assigned to one revolution that the Earth makes around the Sun. Numbers are meaningless, life is meaningless, and we're all gonna' die. I raise my glass of Maker's Mark to the futility of man-made celebrations and wish you all a pleasant 2018...two days before that shit is supposed to happen.
  5. The second one looks like a flash animation. Also, nice reminder with the first image...when Piccolo's blood was red instead of purple.
  6. The last episode was a trip and a half. I'm curious to see what tonight's episode will be like.
  7. People say hell is meaningless, but meaning is also a meaningless concept. Back in the day, early humans didn't have time to worry about this shit. They worried about how they were going to survive. They needed food, water, perhaps shelter. Also, there's hormones and the inherent desire to fuck something. They didn't have the time to worry about things like meaning. I'm sure they thought about it and asked why they were there, but they didn't do it to the extent that we do now. People claim that if you aren't "doing something meaningful," then you're wasting your life. I disagree, only because this seems like an extremely human concept in a universe that's bigger than our minds can possibly comprehend. We're the only animals that fucking care about this. Shit got old, so I let it go. As for careers and stuff, that's why I'm a paramedic. I left a desk job full of stress for one that is even more stressful and requires me to move around a lot because that's what the job demands. I've been considering a change as well lately, and I've been doing this for three years now. There is nothing wrong with that, and I hate seeing people beat up on themselves--or on each other--because they don't have everything "planned out." ESPECIALLY those types, because they should fucking know better.
  8. Spike is a true badass. He just floats into space to escape certain destruction.
  9. VT has got to be the manliest looking woman in any anime.
  10. This is my favorite episode in the series.
  11. I fucking fell asleep forgetting that this was happening tonight. Oh well.
  12. Not sure if it counts as a song, but it's true because of how work goes. I'm pretty much nocturnal 90% of the week. I get up at night and go to bed in the middle of the day.
  13. It was close to bed time and I was a stupid kid. It rolled in my stomach to the point where I couldn't sleep. Of course, if I had to do it again, I would be more prepared.
  14. I think I remember seeing a DragonBoo and an Easy_e on the old boards, but I've no clue who they were precisely, or what they talked about. I only remember SexyAlucardGhost, but he's not on this list and I don't even think he's on these message boards... Added note: He was also alive too. Another added note: BUT it sounds like these people were on the boards before I even joined (see my signature), so I could also be thinking of other people as well. So I more than likely didn't see them.
  15. The one time I tried a Carolina Reaper, the pain would not go away. I think I'm fine with not eating a ghost or scorpion pepper. Try doing it without milk in the fridge, no yogurt, and no ice cream, and just suffering through it all night. That was HELL. I'm fine with not trying it's "lesser" cousins on the Scoville scale.
  16. I like hot stuff. However, habanero peppers are my limit. I also like unconventional hot stuff. Spicy peanut butter, for example. Makes a killer sandwich.
  17. There's also Casper's First Christmas, which happens to feature the Hanna-Barbera All-Stars as well. Sadly, it's on DailyMotion because YouTube doesn't like it enough.
  18. I fucking love this show! It makes me so sad that nobody is talking about it. Nobody I know has watched a single episode. It's good shit, and I actually like the liberties that they've taken with the source material. It's handled very well.
  19. I try to eat healthy, but when I'm able to, I will not deny the option of getting a medium rare steak or having deep fried Oreos for dessert. However, these things are what I would consider "treats." Not something I would want to eat regularly. They're nice to have once in a while, though! Though I will admit that I am a mild alcoholic.
  20. Not sure if I'll participate, but what format should we send stuff in? Body of text in the email itself? .doc, .docx, .txt?
  21. Lupin's almost finished anyway. It only has three episodes left before it (quietly) leaves the schedule.
  22. Trust us. We all hate it.
  23. Beautiful conclusion to that two-parter, and a fitting note to end on before the two week break.
  24. Gren gets his last request, and will be going to Titan.
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