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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I guess they died. I want to say I'm sad, but they only had like 5-7 minutes of screen time. Not long enough.
  2. They're already going up against Chimera ants. That was quick.
  3. Lol, it's funny because this implies she has incestuous feelings for her brother.
  4. WELL, shit. It looks like they'll have to fight an army of these things during the arc.
  5. I'm guessing that he's gonna' fail somehow.
  6. ....Just run from the snake. The fuck are you kids picking on a snake for?
  7. Aaaaah, so basically the attributes of the creatures they consume are transferred to the ones they give birth to.
  8. Gon is the only one laughing at Dinner's cruddy jokes.
  9. I guess this serves as some sort of origin story for the discovery of the "Chimera ant" class of animals.
  10. So wait, when they used Accompany, they were essentially transported to a different country?
  11. More crazy characters with crazy designs, courtesy of Togashi.
  12. Lmfao, that's so fucking adorable! Big cats that cook their food and discovered how to master the use of fire!
  13. Even Joseph is fucking astounded by that fact. Tapping on the 4th wall there, don't you think?
  14. Lol, well, it's the first stand user we never got to hear talk in person. He was killed on impact.
  15. I guessed the stand correctly. NO clue who the stand user could be, though.
  16. You mean Ocean Group? Now that you mention it, that does sound an awful lot like him. If so, that's cool AF!
  17. Well, I wasn't actually being serious when I made that guess....just so we're clear.
  18. Watch the Stand LITERALLY be the Sun or something fucking crazy.
  19. Lol, this is completely backwards. Trading a car for 4 camels.
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