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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. "It's been four weeks since we began our journey." IRL time, six months.
  2. Hopefully the baby dies this episode, and this doesn't become a three-parter. I don't think we've had one of those yet.
  3. So wait, did someone blast him with a fire magic spell, or was that some kind of trap? I looked away at the wrong time.
  4. Just throws his ass in without any softness at all.
  5. Yuuno to the rescue...
  6. So wait, he was picked by the Black Bulls? Also, douchebag's back.
  7. Yeah, I knew who it was. I just didn't say the right name. I don't even know what happened that made me type "Steven Blum."
  8. Goes to show where my voice actors are mixed up. Christopher Sabat.
  9. I bet he's going to be picked by the guy who's voiced by Steven Blum. Edit: Christopher Sabat. Damn it, I'm not an otaku, and I never claimed to be.
  10. So, no hands. Show end here plz?
  11. Note how all of the common looking folk aren't getting picked.
  12. The difference is that One Punch Man was competently and cleverly constructed.
  13. Anyone get the vibe that this show is mean-spirited for the sake of being so?
  14. Asta pulled a "One Punch Man" on this fuck. Just with a sword.
  15. The last episode at least ended on a good note. Let's hope it continues.
  16. He did. Even Bulma mentioned it off hand to Krillin on Kami's Lookout.
  17. Annnnd Piccolo just says "Fuck this" and destroys the only physical way out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
  18. Buu's energy is pretty paramount. The way he can regenerate just from the smoke coming from his burning pieces shows how much of a threat he actually was when he was evil.
  19. And it took Goku to make them realize it, lol.
  20. I love the voice actors chosen for the ghosts. Lmfao.
  21. I must have missed the commercial. Damn.
  22. Lmfao! He's just enjoying himself.
  23. Oh no. The projectiles are fighting with each other...
  24. That looks like it hurt.
  25. "What the hell?" What everyone thought when this fight happened back in the United States broadcast back in 2003.
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