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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. He decided against taking the mother and the child, so he just picked the closest guy to them. Poor dude.
  2. Not more children!
  3. I think that is Zach Aguilar's (Genos from One-Punch Man) voice!
  4. Lmfao, I love Tagashi's character design choices.
  5. Heeeeyyyy, this is the scene that we've had promos for!
  6. I forgot where we left off last time. Hopefully narrator man gives us a small recap.
  7. So it's going to be another two-parter. Might as well be.
  8. He cut himself while he was in his dream, probably!
  9. So, the stand user can be awake while doing this shit? That's...unfair.
  10. Lol, he's choking him with eyeballs! This is one of the most disgusting stands yet.
  11. Crap. He doesn't retain his memory. I had my hopes up for a moment.
  12. LOL, the baby is the stand user. A symbol of birth representing an icon for Death. Nice parallel.
  13. Okay, we get it. People who kill dogs are evil.
  14. Oh yeah! The Sun was their previous opponent.
  15. Well, that was anti-climactic.
  16. I wonder if this match will be finished in time for the fight to conclude.
  17. Boy, I sure hope Asta gets picked.
  18. Lol, "Jack the Ripper." They couldn't have picked a better name?
  19. The more I see of the show, the more I think this was written to be the exact opposite of One-Punch Man.
  20. SO, contrary to Disney logic, magic repels birds...
  21. Wait, what did he say? The music was so loud that I couldn't hear a damn thing he said. Speak up! Asta doesn't have a problem with his vocal range!
  22. Hard to root for Asta. He's more full of himself than Naruto ever was.
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