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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I always thought "ten minutes" was too exact of a time for him to be correct.
  2. I swear to god, he's like a more mature and more serious version of Luffy. He's a pirate with a dream, goddammit, and nobody will stop him!
  3. So they're with an actual space pirate, and they're plunging into the depths for treasure. I'm okay with this.
  4. Poor guy doesn't have a restaurant anymore.
  5. Aisha goes full beast mode, and everyone gets the fuck out. Hilarious!
  6. > Eyepatch. > Hat. > Funny accent. Methinks he be a pirate. A space pirate.
  7. Lmfao, she's the only person bringing money to the table, and she's serving her crew! That's gotta' be a shitty feeling.
  8. I'll admit, it's rare, but it's still just a pseudo-legendary.
  9. I stepped away to watch the finale for Devilman Crybaby, and I come back to see ninjas fighting an emu. What. The. Fuck.
  10. Now we only have two episodes left. Bummer.
  11. Looks like the bet is "up in the air" at this point.
  12. She's trying to get Lupin to stay with her, but he's not that kind of person.
  13. Lmfao, he broke into banks non-stop all because of a bet he made with Jigen.
  14. Wait, so she's actually trying to kill him?
  15. Lmfao, I love this montage of failed traps.
  16. I honestly like the relationship between Lupin and Rebecca. They're really playful with each other.
  17. I don't think we had seen her without any makeup or lipstick before that moment.
  18. A simple meal of french fries and ketchup. Now I'm hungry.
  19. Fuck, I hate how the shows I'm really into seem so brief compared to others.
  20. They also don't know what names are. Wow. I don't know why, but I find that so sad. They are basically part of a colony, so they don't have a need for names. They have no "identity," so to speak because of that.
  21. Chimera Ant Lesson #1: Firearms, their function, and their uses.
  22. A good thing about Togashi is that if a character pops up in one of his series and isn't killed off, there's always a chance they'll pop up again at some point in the future.
  23. Hey, it's those characters from the Hunters Exam!
  24. The guy behind her, I guess.
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