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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. I thought something strange was going on. For a moment I imagined the A.I. from the show came alive and in its first step decided to eat Toonami, before going on to consume all of the internet, create a robot army, and finally enslave all of mankind. Sigh. Too bad it was just technical difficulties. Well, there's always tomorrow.
  2. I hope not. That looks awesome. Got to be better than Batman Ninja anyway.
  3. Captain Marvel 9/10 Had a few surprises that I really enjoyed. Also, liked the nostalgia kick of it being set during the 90s. Marvel keeping it hot. Now I'm all set and ready for Endgame next month.
  4. Looks like it's probably Majokko Tickle/Magical Girl Tickle for me. "On Chiiko's 11th birthday, her father gives her a special book. Inside the book is a trapped witch, Majokko Tickle. When Chiiko frees Tickle from the book, she uses her magic to pass off as Chiiko's twin sister. " Always wished I had a sister, or any sibling for that matter, but yeah my life is nothing like a mahou shoujou, so I hereby declare this ridiculous form of divination a failure.
  5. New on order: Ai Tenchi Muyo, In Another World With My Smartphone LE, Land of the Lustrous steelbook, RE:Zero season 1 part 1 LE Right Stuf has Land of the Lustrous as a daily deal, so... sigh. I couldn't resist making an order, as I want to make sure I get the steelbook before it sells out. Noticed they have some pretty decent prices going on some FUNi stuff right now, too, making for the perfect storm-ing of my wallet once more.
  6. Battle Angel Alita 8/10 That was pretty good. If there's a glaring problem it has, it's that it ends screaming for a sequel and it's far from guarunteed there'll ever be one, given the huge budget that it seems it's going to have a really hard time ever recouping (even with the benefit of it having had a slightly better than expected opening weeked).
  7. Figuratively? No. That's like asking do I get sick of being entertained? I suppose someday I will be, but that's the day I know I'll have lived too long. Literally? Yeah. Just happened last week. I got a fever after lazing about and binging too much.
  8. Oh yeah, I remember seeing this a while ago. Though I guess the one I saw for it was a little different. LOL Gotta say, I like the new one better.
  9. Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? If it's anything, it's underrated dude! I've seen someone literally write their college thesis on FLCL. It's that F'ing deep. Its sequels though, yeah, not so much. I'd say they were mediocre at best.
  10. Legend of Galactic Heroes 1 & 2 Feeling well enough to drag myself out of bed some today. My original plan was to watch this before anything else, but given how daunting the length of it is, I kept putting it off until it became no longer feasible. Wanted to at least see a little bit of it before my subscription runs out at midnight. Might be a long whlle, but I'll make sure when I subscribe again this will be the first thing I look at.
  11. Tada Never Falls in Love 1 & 2 Uhh, guess I really wasn't imagining my brain melting earlier. Looks like I got a fever. Guess I finally burned out. Oh well, I only had a couple days left to goof off anyway. Hopefully it passes quickly.
  12. Yuyushiki 1 - 1.25 Don't think I've ever quit a show partway through an episode before, but OMG, I seriously can't take any more of this! I could feel my brain matter melting away by the minute while watching this. Two of the main three characters in it are just so inane. I can tolerate a pretty decent level of stupid nonsense for the sake of moe, but in this it's like nonstop and just too much for me.
  13. Girls Beyond the Wasteland 1 Black Bullet 1 Invaders of the Rokujyoma 1 - 4
  14. When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace 10 - 12 Windy Tales 1 - 4 A show with a flying cat? I'm sold.
  15. Good Witch of the West 1 When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace 1 - 9
  16. Could be. It was certainly soothing to listen to. Could explain why, combined with the mind numbingness of the last couple episodes, I nearly nodded off a couple of times while still sitting upright. As far as I can remember, I've never once in my life ever fallen asleep like that, so that's saying something coming from me. Okamikakushi Masque of the Wolf 1 - 12 Last episode was certainly quite the departure from the rest of the show there, which is too bad. It made me laugh quite a bit. Seems like they saved all of the humor for it, when the rest of the series could have really used some more of it to make the characters a bit more likable.
  17. Norn9 10 - 12 Wish I could reset my brain and forget I ever saw this one now. That I somehow managed to fight off my better judgement and forced myself to finish this, unfortunately just proves what I guess I've always known deep down, that I'm a bit of a masochist. Yep, that was somehow worse than a regular old trainwreck; that was a boring train wreck. I didn't even think that sort of thing was possible, but this show just proved me wrong.
  18. Norn9 2 - 9 Wow, this show seems to have so many plot holes, if feels like it's going to wind up being more hole than plot. Yep, I'm sensing another train wreck coming here. It almost makes me want to stop and watch the Super Bowl, but looking at the score right now... Yeah no. Nuh uh. Think I'll just take a bathroom break instead.
  19. Sasami-san@Ganbaranai 2 - 12 Flip Flappers 1 Norn9 1
  20. Sasami-san@Ganbaranai 1 W... T... F... Whoa, that's up there as one of the weirdest first eps of any show I've seen. I mean that was beyond FLCL level craziness there even. Color me intrigued.
  21. Kamisama Dolls 11 - 13 Another unfinished one. Didn't care for it that much regardless, so not really that bothered by it particularly in this case. The Kamisama Dolls Corner puppets though were hilarious I gotta say. I wish they really had made a show just out of that. Tamako Market 1 - 12 Tamako Love Story
  22. Non Non Biyori 5 Samurai Harem 1 & 2 Rin-ne 1 - 3 The Comic Artist and His Assistants 1 Kamisama Dolls 1 - 10
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