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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. I see now. This is like the f'ed up version of It's a Wonderful Life.
  2. Sincerely doubt I'll feel like my life has changed, but I'm gonna watch it. LOL Even the game review's in Japanese!
  3. Hah hah hah, ah ha ha. Greatest April Fool's ever! Eyebrows!
  4. In This Corner of the World Sweet, heart-warming, uplifting: not at all what I was expecting. I was expecting a depressing tear-jerker. . . . What happened?! Ha ha ha. Okay, yeah there were some dark and bleak moments, for sure, but ultimately I felt like it was a pretty positive film that left me with a smile on my face so I'm really glad I decided to give this one a chance.
  5. Season 3 premiere is tonight, and for the first time I can actually watch it right away, as I now have Starz as part of my cable package. Oh yeah baby.
  6. Black Panther 9/10 About as awesome as expected. Annihilation 2/10 And on the other end of the spectrum... Yeah, that was just totally stupid and completely disappointing. I'm sorry, I just hate movies that try and act smart and then essentially throw any common sense about how science and biology works out the window. If there was actually any reasonable attempt to explain any of what was taking place, then maybe I could have forgiven it, but seemed like they hardly even bothered. Mary and the Witch's Flower 10/10 Great kickoff for Studio Ponoc, totally in the spirit of Studio Ghibil, as you would expect from a couple of former Ghibli veterans.
  7. There's more to Taiki's story in some of the later novels I've heard, but the author still hasn't finished it. A couple years ago her publisher announced a new novel was supposed to come out, but they later updated that the author was having a lingering spell of ill health and so that's how come the delay. No news since then, sadly. Just saw Mary and the Witch's Flower. Totally loved it. Very nice first entry for studio Ponoc. The Ghibli homages they threw in really made me smile.
  8. Mine says it's a repeat. Looks like your cable provider is smarter than my cable provider. Will be very interesting to see the ratings this episode gets. If there isn't at least a little spike over other weeks, I'll be very very surprised.
  9. KumaMiko 9 - 12 + OVAs 1 & 2 Sigh. . . Well, honestly this show had its moments where it was pretty darn funny I thought, but at the same time it was just so darn frustrating and quite pathetic really. I think the very final line at the end of the last OVA episode actually kind of sums up my feelings about it all perfectly: "You never learn, do you, Machi?" Yep, you think there would be a backstory, or some character growth, or something to give the main character any kind of depth, but . . . no. She's pretty much just pure moe from start to finish. Other characters weren't much better either; the bear being about the only sensible one is just plain sad. On the plus side, the OP and ED themes were very catchy, and I burned through it all pretty quickly and have Giant Robo now up to watch next. Finally.
  10. Aria the Origination 13 Nice finish. Still I think it would have been better if Alicia had unzipped her face and turned out to be Caith Sith, but if that had actually happened I probably would have fallen off my chair and split my head open, so probably for the best. Gotta say this ranks as one of my favorite series of all time, which I never would have expected would happen when I first started watching it. KumaMiko 1 - 8 Beary silly. How did this wind up in the kids section of my local library though? Do they just look at the ratings from the manufacturer or something? It's rated PG by Funimation I guess, but just based on the first episode alone where you got kids getting nosebleeds from imagining what I guess you could only say is heavily implied bestiality/rape . . . Yeah, nevermind the fanservice stuff, this is not exactly a little kids show. I'm a little loathe to say anything to them, but I think when I return it I feel like I kind of have to.
  11. Aria the Origination 3 - 12 I was really trying to finish this last night, but it got pretty late, so I held off watching the final episode just yet. Got some reactions that I wanted to get out before that though.
  12. Aria Arietta OVA Awwwww, that was almost enough to melt my cold black heart. Almost. Aria the Origination 1 & 2 President Aria's antics never get old. And wow, he can cook! . . . or at least help with the cooking. Impressive. Too bad all that good cooking going to his belly is what keeps President Hime from giving him any attention.
  13. Hiya. I decided upon my New Year's resolutions, and one of them, believe it or not, is to watch some more anime. Watching more than I did this past year, which was practically nothing, should be a piece of cake, but I'm gonna aim high and hope to finish at least 15 series this year, just to give myself more of a challenge. Hah! ::gets pumped:: Anyway, having picked up where I left off like forever ago it feels like now, I watched the rest of Aria the Natural episodes 22 - 26. Especially loved the marriage to the sea episode and the final one with Alicia and the snowball. I almost forgot how this show can just so warm your heart so much. Good thing, too, cuz it's been just so freaking cold, could use every little bit of warmth I can get right about now.
  14. Star Wars the Last Jedi - 7/10 I'm kind of torn over this, much like the fans and critics I suppose; although, ironically the fan in me really enjoyed it, while the critic in me didn't so much. Main thing that irked me were some of the space combat parts that just blatantly defied the laws of physics, but ultimately this movie for me was all about getting to see Mark Hamill again, and he didn't disappoint. The Greastest Showman - 8/10 Not enough singing. LOL Seriously, I know it's a muscial, but it felt like they were really pushing the limit with how many song and dance numbers they squeezed into this. It's forgivable though if only because the songs were all pretty good. I was totally stunned though when I went home and read up on the life of the actual P.T. Barnum and realized how wildly the movie diverged from and glossed over the true history of the man. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle - 10/10 Wish when I had detention it went something like that.
  15. Email I got yesterday said there's only 2 days left, so either Christmas day or the day after is the final day then. If you want to play it safe, I would order what you want today if you have the chance. I think I only spent about $50 at Right Stuf this year; most of what I spent went elsewhere for once. Sentai shop for example just cut prices on a bunch of their premium box sets and just caused me to blow $210 there just now. Jeez, I shouldn't even be up right now, but the family get together got postponed due to someone getting sick, so I wound up staying up late watching some movies cuz I can afford to sleep-in tomorrow now. New on order: Akame ga Kill premium sets 1 & 2, Amagi Brilliant Park premium, Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? premium, Love Chunibyo and Other Delusions Hearthrob premium, and School-Live premium
  16. Holiday haul time! For a while it was looking like I might not get much of anything this year. Lord knows I haven't watched much anime outside of Toonami all year long, so I'm starting to wonder why I even bother, but of course I wound up caving and grabbing a few things: Batman & Harley Quinn, Clannad & Clannad After Story, Familiar of Zero season 4, Justice League Dark, K Missing Kings, Knights of Sidonia season 1 LE, Log Horizon season 1 part 1 & season 2 parts 1 & 2, Noragami Aragoto LE, Psycho Pass season 2 premium, RWBY 4, Sailor Moon S part 2, Tokyo ESP LE, and Your Name LE Yeah, just a few. ::scoffs:: Hey, at least I resisted the temptation to spend on any of the Aniplex titles I want. Helps that they never really go on sale I suppose though.
  17. Yeah, I think the music was really the best part of it. .hack//Sign is the only anime my father ever liked, probably ever even watched, and I think it was because of the music. He even went out and bought the DVDs for it when they first came out, and got a few of the soundtracks that came with some of the special editions.
  18. Justice League 8/10 A lot better than I was expecting, given the pretty poor reviews it got from critics. Like that they injected more humor into it -- even if it is an all too obvious attempt to copy off Marvel. Booyah! Great to see too in the after credits scene that they're bringing one of my favorite DC villains onto the big screen.
  19. Wow, that was probably my favorite movie as a kid. I must have watched it so many times. Total classic. "We're locked into the moon's gravitational pull. What do we do? ... We die." :robotlol My favorite part. Thor Ragnarok 10/10 That was probably Stan Lee's best cameo ever. Pure awesomesauce. Can't wait for Infinity War.
  20. LOL And the answer to my question is soon revealed... Now he does. applause
  21. When is Zenigata gonna realize he's the real prisoner here?
  22. So Right Stuf is doing its first ever Kickstarter I believe to fund dubbing Aria for a new blu-ray release, which I still haven't gotten around to finish watching btw, sigh. Anyway, they hit the stretch goal for season 3 and the OVAs just the other day, so I just killed my wallet going in for the whole thing. Wallet: ::: "Oww, mercy please, have mercy on me!" Sorry.... I didn't want to do it, but I've just come to the conclusion that I have no control over myself when it comes to stuff like this.
  23. ohno At first, when I saw the news about this over in another thread, it felt just unreal. It honestly seemed like at times that he was just a part of the place, but I guess he wasn't a robit after all. I really appreciated how much passion he showed for the community over at the AS boards, and will always be grateful he helped preserve some of that community here for us. I never really interacted with him much, but when I did come across his postings, they were always interesting and fun to read, despite how long they often-times could be. Nothing but love to you Luuv.
  24. Space... Oh man, does this ever take me back. I still remember the old Toonami promos they ran for this show all the time. So awesome to see it back again. Too bad it gets buried so late at night. It deserves better. Wish they would have put this in place of Tokyo Ghoul. Would probably get better ratings, even after all this time.
  25. Was on vacation to see some relatives I haven't seen for a long time. Some of them actually like anime, so I brought along some movies (mostly Ghibli stuff) for them to watch. Also, got to see Lego Batman, which I missed sadly when it was out in theaters, and unlike me they have Netflix, so took the opportunity to see the first few episodes of Castlevania before heading back home. Will probably watch some more stuff in the near future.
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