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Everything posted by pail

  1. Victim blaming, huh. This particular company might make more profits if they treated their workers with a little more humanity. Or am I just being naive? You sound like a Grade A sociopath.
  2. I'm not sure what my job is classified as (because why would I need to know?). I have to pay my own taxes, they don't take them out. My mom who's an accountant says I work for them as a contractor. When I started working for them I had to sign some papers but I don't remember exactly which ones. Nothing out of the ordinary, no special documents they writ up specially.
  3. Dunno what you're getting at.
  4. This company doesn't know it's ass from its head. They treat the workers like private contractors and employees at the same time. For instance, a few months ago it was mandated we show up and start working a half an hour earlier, so we can have a 30 minute lunch break. None of the workers signed off on that. Just new policy, out of the blue. Another time, few months ago, my manager called me into his office to discuss garnering my pay so the company could afford a healthcare option for me. I just told him I'd consider it, then never brought it up again. That's employee territory, and I'm not an employee. This particular manager is really dumb and not qualified for his position though. And as far as I know the working relationship is a set amount of financial compensation per hour worked. I'm honestly not very worried at this point. I plan on saving up some buffer money and exiting this circus within the next few months. I was just curious.
  5. I know I could maybe just Google this, but I've looked into payment obligations in the past and it made my head spin. Yesterday, I received a paycheck and I was shorted $40. I'm hoping that my boss is just an idiot and can't do basic math, and I'll be compensated for the error. The only reason I'm questioning the error is because I have reason to believe it could be more than just a mistake on my employer's part. On Thursday, one of my supervisors threatened to dock my pay if he were to find, or even simply suspect, that I wasn't manufacturing a product properly. I'm not sure why he was getting on my ass, specifically because the product is usually manufactured by two or more workers operating in tandem. I reassured him that the other workers and myself were, and have been, routinely performing quality checks every several minutes to ensure the products were meeting their standards. Anyway, like I said, I and the other workers are pretty on top of quality control. So, I hope the difference in my pay and amount of hours worked is just a result of my manager being unable to perform basic math. The only issue I have with this is that if my pay was deliberately "docked", I was not informed as to why. Also, my technical relationship with the company is that of a private contractor. This is where I need help understanding things. If, in fact, my pay was shorted for some transgression that I was not made aware of, is that technically a legal action the company has the right to exercise? Like I said, I don't know a lot about legal matters regarding work and compensation. But I would think, that, as a private contractor, my compensation can't be altered unless agreed upon by both parties involved. I'm going to talk to him about it Monday and try to resolve the issue, but I would like to confront him with some facts to back up any arguments that may arise if he confirms that my compensation was reduced for some reason.
  6. TGTF I'm ashamed of it, but I found an excuse to leave work a couple hours early today. I might have been able to stand it but the day immediately started off on a sour note. A note that unfortunately rang out and didn't so much fade away as it slowly degraded before turning into ear-piercing feedback. Once the holidays are over and the seasonal jobs evaporate, it's stomping time.
  7. The movie 'Cars 2". I realize a lot of people dislike Larry the Cable Guy, but I feel the movie itself earned a little too much hate over that alone. But, for the life of me, I can't really find any other flaws with the movie. I mean, it's... a kid's movie. Like, it's aimed at young children. Because it's a sequel? I just don't get it.
  8. As long as the owners go out of their way to staff the entire restaurant exclusively with Asian people, you're more than likely gonna have a good ?. Unless it's a buffet. Those are unpredictable and should be Googled for patron ratings and reviews.
  9. 15 pumps of Bruce Lee?
  10. pail

    General Noise

    I couldn't say for sure, but it looked like a long black robe woven from billions of damned souls all collectively screaming yet unable to be heard. 3edgy5me imo. But he do him I'ma do me.
  11. Yeah. I know. Because I was raised right and know how to be considerate. You're welcome.
  12. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  13. Yeah, that shit sucks. Have you ever been told you can go and are either on your way home, or actually home... Then they call you back in? That's happened to me a few times... Makes me madder than Hell. Worse than being sent home after being told to come in, even.
  14. Hell no. In a way I wish I was, just so I could have more authority. At my particular job, though, 99% of the time a customer gets that peeved is a direct result of my managers ineptitude. So it's cathartic to get to have the person responsible talk down the howling creature on the other end of the line.
  15. Could just be incompetence, too. There are a staggering amount of people who are designated with management positions... that are simply not qualified or capable of what that specific role entails.
  16. My favorite is when they ask to speak to my manager. Like, for real though. That is my favorite and most enthusing comment.
  17. That's tragic. I'm sorry and hope the perpetrator rots in a cell for the rest of his days.
  18. Sorry for your loss. Why was he murdered?
  19. pail

    General Noise

    The ticking of a clock. Along with the slowly increasing rasp of an oddly dressed fellow who looks like he's on his way to harvest wheat.
  20. Brrrrrr! Anyone else feel that? Got ice cold for a second.
  21. "Your prices have gone through the roof! I want to pay what I paid several years ago! What do you mean you can't lower the price/take off the shipping/etc?! Well! I'll be taking my business elsewhere!" ...
  22. I hate when management wastes your time like that. It's like... "You're the manager. Fucking manage shit buttwipe!'
  23. Yes I know that, I was just joking. I really can't think of any illegal drugs that will get you out of that mindset... for more than a few hours anyway. If you do turn to buying ecstasy, though, get a testing kit. Relatively cheap, only need a small portion of the substance, and better safe than bath salts. Or flakka... Or... Well... Lots of other dangerous shit people will press into a pill with an imprint of a dolphin or clover or Ronald Reagan's face or whatever.
  24. Maybe. I was talking more along the lines of people who do work hard getting shafted left and right. Like at my job I know I'm pretty much expendable and they could replace me at any time... but I still work as hard as I can. I don't give it 110% usually because as a "bottom feeder" or "grunt" or whatever I don't really get any respect or recognition for what I do. Not that it's owed to me for doing my job correctly and efficiently but... it would just be kinda nice to not get treated like an expendable tool all of the time.
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