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Everything posted by pail

  1. Quit injecting politics into my power-fantasy children's cartoon. I just wanna see Goku level up, say something about protecting your loved ones, fire off a Kamehameha and beat the bad guy. FFS
  2. The meat was bland. Just an awful creation all around.
  3. The quesadilla is the bun.
  4. I gotta stop ordering shit when I'm really high. I don't know what I was expecting from this. It doesn't even seem like a good idea on paper. Maybe if I had ordered it without lettuce it would have gotten a higher score.
  5. John Spergers. Leader of humanity's last Magic the Gathering team.
  6. Oreos?
  7. "It's just like Madoka Magica". Uh huh. That's why I'm crying uncontrollably, I suppose. I could be misremembering things but I don't remember Madoka Magica being absolutely heartbreaking God dammit. At least the villain seems like someone you can just really hate though. They just better not try to make him sympathetic going forward.
  8. You know what goes really good with weed? Xanax.
  9. You don't sound crazy at all.
  10. Is this based on fucking fan fiction? Seriously? I hope this movie tanks. Unfortunately it won't. Get Goku fighting the iron giant, slap on a shitty plot about 'muh struggle' and the millennial weirdos will propel and jizzrocket this Airhead and chilli dog turd right to the top.
  11. This one looks like a big pass. I can't remember how I stumbled across this trailer a few months ago, but I remember physically cringing when the iron giant showed up out of nowhere. It just felt so... Shitty. Then more references and "cameos" (really, guys?) start popping up and it's abundantly clear that this movie isn't going to contain anything of note, have dynamic or interesting characters, have a compelling plot (Hint: trailer is filled with pop culture references because the plot is about the kid entering a video game contest for money - yeah, read that and still feel enthralled), or be anything other than nostalgia porn for weirdos. But if you're the type that enjoys sitting next to a 35 year old neckbeard furiously rubbing his dick because the fucking iron giant oh my God it's the iron giant! Mom! Look! Oh my God it's the iron giant! I recognize him! OMG! Tetsuo's bike?! I'm gonna cuuummmmmmmmm!!!1! Then, yeah. You might actually be the target demo this film is going for.
  12. Jokes aside, it does look kind of interesting and exciting. Hopefully they don't fuck it up.
  13. Oh. We're supposed to cover them? In my home country it's a sign of respect to openly sneeze on someone.
  14. Yeah. I believe, some of those. Are in order. Yeh.
  15. Have already heard most of the 'spoilers'. Don't care. Saw TFA in a theater three weeks after the initial release, in a rural town, on a weeknight, and it was packed. And the movie blew ass. Nope. Satan Mouse you will not obtain my dollarey-doos with this cheap malarkey. Though, I will admit you're making it quite hard to keep my investments free from your influence. I mean, I can't even watch Family Guy or The Simpsons (and by extension Rick and Morty ) from here on out; without hearing your ? ly, disembodied cackling echoing in the background. You will not win, demon! Even if you eventually end up infesting everything with your rat-stink. The more you expand the more we will resist! Pull as hard as you wish! Your maggot-woven wool will not cover my eyes! I will not be blinded by your lies!
  16. Start making PMVs.
  17. I was in there I said Hi.
  18. Well at least one of your girls was making you feel good.
  19. I was being sarcastic, buttmunch.
  20. What was your treat for that punishment? Pou d cake or a slurpee?
  21. Yeah. I mean, he was actually trying. But it was just... Idk, sad. And it just kinda seems like since then, that movie broke him or something.
  22. How'd you get roped into that one?
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