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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Well you still flip them the bird out of principle and steal and ashtray. Or not you do you.
  2. Bet that they did not even tip you. Damn yuppie elitist snobs.
  3. Ingredients: Eggs
  4. Best: Being really drunk and randomly turning on Toonami and catching 'Summer Wars' late one night. Worst: Realizing that 'Summer Wars' is a good movie but basically just a ripoff of the Digimon movie.
  5. Wow. I never realized Nissan was in the "luxury car" business. It looks alright I guess.
  6. Could not figure out if this is a rich person guilty pleasure thibg like "Oh I am going to bed a bad boy and go eat with the poors" or maybe tiimes are just really tough right now? Idk just kinda weird usually do not see vehicles like that at the fast food trough.
  7. If you are worried about the age thing just hvae Kadome reincarnate again around the year 2000. Is she a reincarnate of Kikyo of a distant relative? It has been awhile since I watched the show.
  8. Peppers are semi-hollow. Not cucumbers though.
  9. You want spicy? Get the 'Flamin' Hot Limon' Doritos. Those are spicy. And stain your fingers red.
  10. It is not really schlock more just confusing and honestly not any more incoherent and sloppy than the rest of the movie. I have never seen the end I just remember that being the part I walked out after. I have not tried to rewatch it. It is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
  11. I feel this way kinda about Berserk. It will either be unresolved or wrapped up way too quickly I think it has been too long at this point and people will be upset about it regardless.
  12. Idk try the Geek Squad.
  13. Not really schlock but just overall bad editing. One of the few movies I walked out of the theater and it was this scene that made me give up on it.
  14. Apple bottom jeans boots with the fure
  15. Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed by these liquor commercials that flash drink recipes on the screen for two seconds? Like... what? I am supposed to be so invested in knowing how to make your shitty cocktail that I follow the link and find the recipe? Anyway I took a screenshot in case you want to drink absolute garbage honey liquor cocktails.
  16. Yeah I kinda get that too. I especially hate myself when I am watching a scene in a movie where a character is struggling to do something to save a character and I am like "Come on! Do it faster! They are gonna fall/there is only 30 seconds left!" even though I have seen the movie before and know exactly how things are going to play out. Suspension of disbelief is a weird thing.
  17. I thought the joke about Kingdom Hearts was funny.
  18. There is always a catch.
  19. I wish Made In Abyss would get some of the love and care as MHA but I guess it is just a little bit more niche.
  20. It had a good run imo. Series usually peak around seasons 3 to 5 anyways.
  21. So if I want someone to do buttstuff to me I gotta do buttstuff to them first?
  22. Do not be so beautiful that you stare at your reflection in a pond until you starve to death. Idk might have a few details wrong on that one. I think it is to not be completely self absorbed with yourself.
  23. And stuff like this where the characters do not act like real people at all and just do dumb shit so the movie can happen.
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