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Everything posted by NNN

  1. that's not very ALPHA of you zeni
  2. ok, im glad i passed on this show now.
  3. i haven't seen anything yet. it's a working and valid email.
  4. yea, mine wont use beds or tents, or domes either. he is picky.
  5. nothing new under the sun. people will live the way they want to live with what they have. or they wont, it's their choice.
  6. nah, the food is good here.
  7. you're close to the ground and cat's know you'll be sitting there for a bit. mine just wants attention and pets.
  8. im incredibly happy and it's rather unsettling.
  9. yes he did. much policy was passed under nixon, but that was not what my op was about. it was about trolling and political theatre, not policy.
  10. i don't remember it was either 4 bean chili or...paella.
  11. fb is gross but i think the underlying sentiment is hope
  12. that was worth not seeing the manga discussed
  13. moved. yay.
  14. im waiting for him to poop on his desk in front of britney spears
  15. meh the cops look divided. some don't wanna. some like cracking skulls above all else. some are helping them. military already said they wont intervene so... guess its a peaceful protest until they get agitated enough. maybe a few days tops.
  16. i dont mind the scars we likes our fun
  17. its been too long congrats on ur 10 years
  18. i hope he pulls through; he has an international audience that will idolize him when he does inevitably pass. good man!
  19. i dont really care about those creepy pastas. too cheesy... but there is this one about some russian experiment where the subjects were isolated together...and something about the drug in the air made them want/need to tear their skin off. it was a long time ago, and it was pretty decent. maybe cannibalism was involved too idk.
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