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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. you gonna be a bad dad if you do that.
  2. i have full confidence in mcgloin in being a good back up for carr. he is very well set up to succeed with that o-line and our receivers and running game. if theres any positives about this situation is that he will be tested against a really good defense next week so should serve him really well for experience. hope the broncos play to win since they still got a shot at playoffs.
  3. yeah i think this trailer is very spoilerific but could still be good i think. i dunno i liked prometheous and i'll give this one a chance.
  4. ewww gayyy!
  5. to all my people here ;D
  6. mtg holiday gift box, and some clothes. oh and reces!
  7. rip asmb boards
  8. i rather you not smoke but i know they can help people out with stress so...
  9. you crazy 8)
  10. this season is going to be bittersweet. on one hand, we finally got a legit contender of a team but on the other hand, our qb goes down but i still have hope in mcgloin as our backup. our o-line is one of the best in the league, and our run game is strong. still talk about some bad luck. two up and coming qb's injured on what seems to be a routine play. im still gonna need a drink :'(
  11. sign me up
  12. hmmm idk...
  13. another work night for mr here.
  14. i was gonna say that ;D
  15. i did.
  16. MLB: Barry Bonds NBA: Brandon Roy *was gonna say Iverson first* NFL: Devin Hester Soccer: Cuauhtémoc Blanco Boxing: Julio Cesar Chavez
  17. what was the post lithium boards? cancer stage 4
  18. hi im distorted.
  19. but really, it was already dead with the staging boards.
  20. yeah all those words are slurs for homo.
  21. i never said you cant bitch. i love to bitch and complain too. but you could try mix drinks if you want? sugary drinks like soda can help suppress that bad alcohol taste.
  22. i want an alpha black lotus psa 10 graded but more realistically i want a candy arcade cabinet.
  23. its dead jim. we all new it wasnt going to last.
  24. what are you 12? just man up and drink. but if you want less effort than move onto hard liquor instead.
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