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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. im going to freak out :brownbottle: O0
  2. i dont think you guys wanna see that O0
  3. the more traffic this folder will get the more things will be slow
  4. i disagree. the true horror of zombies comes from inevitability. the feeling of no matter what you do, its only a matter of time that they kill you. also, -1 for mentioning a thread about fast zombie and not even mention 28 days later which was the best movie with fast zombies.
  5. wanna make it hotter wink
  6. some people just love to complain a lot O0
  7. nice! things are looking bright for you.
  8. yeah, been making more money. hopefully get more this year without working more O0
  9. i dont get it but :420: :brownbottle: O0
  10. seems to be on par for zeni. -1
  11. his okc psycho stalker personality is going to kill them all.
  12. i'll back you up zeni O0
  13. man i called it good this week O0 what a great day of football to save the week. steelers looked to dominate with how well they were moving the ball but couldn't get td's. i know people hate field goals but a win is a win. a win against kc is even better. aaron rodgers continues to be running the table! his play has been nothing less than exceptional the last few weeks. he's a force of nature.
  14. couldnt even make this a poll thread? -1 O0
  15. phillies, why you trying to instigate? O0
  16. we could also use accident in its place >
  17. never heard of this game till yesterday but i gotta admit it looks really good. too bad i don't have anything to play it on but if i get to build a new pc this year, i think i might get this first.
  18. i think its better that way. i know its can be frustrating when you see a friend and you try to help but they can't help themselves. with asmb gone, many of the old posters are likely gone for good.
  19. solution: take the most convoluted route to your place and do it at night. that way it makes things harder for her to recognize and she will be a little disorientated from the drive. also helps if she is on social media.
  20. i knew it was only a matter of time till you come O0
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