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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. One time a girl tried to steal my coke because she thought I was drunk enough to not notice and we got in to it. She had on really tall wobbly stilletos and I ran full force and rammed her-knocked her the fuck over. But she hit her head on one of those sharp metal built in the wall trash cans under the paper towel dispenser on the way down. With me on top of her still. Her head and neck kinda crunched. Blood everywhere. I thought I killed her and escaped out the window. I found out a week or two later she was alive and okay. Her friend found her and called 911 after she didn't come back. She had a concussion and needed stitches. Nothing ever happened because she had multiple warrants out so she didn't go to the police.
  2. He messaged me. He's for real. Please refrain from crass comments, this is another human beings life, guys.
  3. I don't like this.
  4. All my friendships are odd.
  5. That's probably why we're such good friends and roommates.
  6. No response yet. I'll update if I get one.
  7. Update: tracked him down on FB and messaged him asking if he was dying for real.
  8. Link me too, please. Want that tea.
  9. Has shoes selecting and buying anxieties.
  10. Happy Birthday! I hope it rains today.
  11. Cares for woodland creatures.
  12. Is a virgin that doesn't drink (and that's perfectly fine.)
  13. Is shaped like Dale Gribble somehow.
  14. Exactly this.
  15. Yes, because she's 92 and doesn't have a smartphone.
  16. I'm going to get tested in an hour. After being repeatedly exposed to a maskless positive case at work a week ago and now showing symptoms.
  17. I regret this entire exchange.
  18. Isn't fuggs old af? Like too old for periods?
  19. You have terrible taste in rings.
  20. Cozy af with cats, candles, tea, and my new shark body pillow. ❤️🍎🥧🍁🍂🌽🦃☕🕯️🧣
  21. That's so sad
  22. lolwat
  23. I was under the impression you were a chloroplast.
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