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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. I had to Google what that was and now I want one too.
  2. I also hate all of your thoughts.
  3. Maybe? I'd have to figured out where a post office is and how to use it though...
  4. That's a fantastic tutorial and despite having no use for shark teeth I want to try it out now. ❤️
  5. I love paleontology and archeology and this was a random find after watching various docs earlier in the day. It was supposed to go on my "obscurities and oddities" wish list. I also considered using them with porcupine quills/seed beads in some of the regalia beadwork I'm learning to do.
  6. He's not gonna make it.
  7. Hm. Good point. Manufactured from what though? These are definitely not plastic and feel very toothy. Some are broken and you can see the inside where it also looks real so idk. As long as they didn't hard living sharks to make them I'm whatevs.
  8. Why are they "alleged"...? Did I buy something awful that contributes to the brutalization of sharkers? Oh no...
  9. These. I was way too stoned playing Minecraft and buying Gundam model kit supplies and thought I added these to a wish list and not my cart...
  10. I know I'm going to end up spilling them on the floor at some point.
  11. Train hopping is scary as fuck but amazing. I did it with some gutter/crust punks out here. Also, stop by PDX so we can drug binge together.
  12. Commuting home after work assuming this Covid-19 test is negative.
  13. This isn't the car crash titties that I wanted
  14. Oh. It's 500?
  15. I fucking really don't like that.
  16. I'm more of a cat clowns kinda guy tbh
  17. I desperately want to see the Packard one
  18. I just though I remembered someone telling me you were either MusketBoned or like CoveredinSpongebob guy and I couldn't remember which because I always confused them back in Babbling too.
  19. It's fucked up to imply him dying a domestic terrorist bombing would be fun.
  20. Aw. I can't read it...yet.
  21. Your insistence that I stay out is very suspicious.
  22. I'm seriously asking.
  23. Who are you?
  24. k
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