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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. That's my Discord # name he's asking about. I had been using Pirate Deity from a random aesthetic generator for a couple of days. The actual account by IP is buddyroe's/BlackNoir/cyberbully/Andre Toulon lol He's being silly. I'm him on Discord now too
  2. patto ur catto
  3. It's not entirely unnecessary. I like reading untranslated classic works. I'm also going to take the trans-Siberian from Moscow to Vladvistok.
  4. I'm not fluent but I read better than I speak. I'm not Russian. Comrad sent me.
  5. They're baby kaiju rampaging across nyc
  6. She probably still cook better than him.
  7. Boi kotoriy vse zhdali-fight everyone's waiting for lmao
  8. Edison bulbs and those smart LED lights that can cycle through colors, blinking, and brightness. Most of my home is fitted with the latter.
  9. BYOB-Bring your own blankies.
  10. Cicada x groundhog x bat
  11. Do a thruple kiss like Taika, Rita Ora, and Thompson. Nabra, Neelix, and a cicada.
  12. I'm dealing with insomnia right now too. I need to be at work in five hours fml. I keep having stupid nightmares. Last night I dreamed I was staying in a hotel with my cats and moved hotel rooms and went back and someone had catnapped my cats. I searched and searched but couldn't find them and found dead kittens. Also Tucker Carlson was president and possibly undertaking a genocidal campaign.
  13. one more time
  14. Frogs are just so lovely.
  15. I haven't had hush puppies in like six years at least. I want some LJS ones. About to have some sweet tea rn.
  16. I want borger and a corn pls 👉👈 🌽🍔
  17. She's clearly been nuzzled excessively to The point she's missing some belly fur.
  18. I've never seen I cat cross it's legs like that before. XD
  19. That 100% sounds like it could be a Florida Man goes on vacation headline.
  20. Such a proper stripey boy! We love to see it
  21. I gave raspberries and he was just like 'wtf was that?' and he licked his belly fur a few times.
  22. Any cat. Even a hardened tom missing the tip of an ear with bent whiskers.
  23. A cat tummy? 10/10 do highly recommend
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