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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Well, HOA can be a pain, but I am the VP, and will probably be the President come May, so.... We need a smiley evil.
  2. Let's see, what is on my agenda: Meeting with contractors at 11:00 am Lunch at a local Kosher deli Annoying office type work, securing snow removal contract bids and coordinating a safety review timeline for church. HOA meeting at 7 pm Maybe I'll get a chance to eat supper at some point, but probably not given the amount of annoying office work that has suddenly been dumped on me. Hope it goes better for everyone else.
  3. Well, for starters the local Democratic party will probably have an outreach float or booth at the pride event, so there ya go. If they don't, ask if you can set it up and run it. Also, Trump is not going to send out people to kill gay people, saying crazy things like that is off putting and hinders your efforts.
  4. Absolutely
  5. Name and number on a urinal wall? Seriously though, check for local events and go. Most are free. If nothing else, get in touch with the local Democratic county chairman and say you want to get involved.
  6. Yup.
  7. Ginguy


    We would have also accepted Gary, Indiana.
  8. Also in the great State of Indiana it is legal to Rockwall anyone with a man bun
  9. Hipster suck. They ruin everything they touch.
  10. Trump is better at trolling.
  11. Heathens, the lot of you. Pancakes are superior, particularly with a crisped edge from the oil. Also, pancake batter is not the same as waffle batter.
  12. Yeah, I think I'd rather have prizes like the achievements in XBL or PSN, like a trophy case in your profile. Making ranks custom should be easy enough, I mean, just apply the same coding that let's you change your SN and include a color field. In fact, you could have the different "ranks" have a trophy with them, to fill up your profile trophy case. Like 50 posts = wanderer and you get a hobo stick in your profile kind of thing.
  13. Welp, I'm vanilla.
  14. I think we should just be able to change our ranks. I mean, we can change our SN.
  15. I think it is because pool halls are dimly lit and not often on major traffic roads. They also tend to be in areas that are lower income, so you get more in the way of shady people. That and the whole Roadhouse vibe. >
  16. The thing is, I'm me. I'm too old to change myself so I don't. Yes, that means I'm still a conservative person, a Christian (Presbyterian to be specific) and a Republican, in that order. I'm also pretty nice as long as you are.
  17. I used to play 9 ball a lot. I was alright, not good enough to take the real sharks, but good enough to hustle a noob or two. I used to play a defensive game, and force nearly impossible shots to get ball in hand on the foul. Around here there is only one pool hall, and it is so full of meth it isn't funny. A couple of the local watering holes have a busted up table, but again, meth.... What is it with pool tables and drugs, sheesh.
  18. Funimation has it for sure, I don't know about Hulu, but you might want to check Yahoo View. Toonami stream will probably have it as well at some point.
  19. My name is Ginguy and I'm too damn nice....
  20. NYE is literally a throw-away weekend. No one, advertisers included, expects any significant views for anything other than ball drop specials and maybe watching CNN's Don Lemon get shit-faced on Ceurvo and his ear pierced. The real test will be the DBZ Super and Kai Buu going back to back. I think they will do fine, they have so far.
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