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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Filter it to fart check?
  2. I heard it all the time. .
  3. Fact check
  4. I kind of feel like I should take a swing at this, but then I lose the motivation. Stupid S.A.D....
  5. That never really thrilled me to begin with. Again, kind of boring, like having a blog that no one can follow. (I call those diaries, but kids these days....)
  6. This reminds me of Nayru doing name changes during the holidays.
  7. Sounds boring.
  8. It goes great on apple pie too. It's an upper Midwest thing.
  9. Sharp White Vermont Cheddar made from raw milk is the only true path to victory.
  10. Ginguy

    They've come.

  11. In keeping with the Season, here is a recipe for cider. In a medium sauce pot bring to a simmer : 1/2 gallon of apple cider (if you can get this from a local orchard all the better) In a cheesecloth tied with cotton butcher's twine: 5 whole cloves 1/2 tsp nutmeg (freshly grated would be best) 3 cinnamon sticks 1 tsp of fresh ginger (you can grate this, or just crush it and toss in) half the peel from an orange bring to a gentle simmer and let cool, then fish out the additions. If you want an adult beverage, you can add some applejack to taste or liver tolerance. I usually do a pony in the glass and add the warm cider.
  12. Done and done, in food and Beverage no less..... Organization will set you free.
  13. The Title kind of says it all, but yes, this is the newest incarnation of the IB/UE Cookbook thread. Feel free to share recipes, tips, tricks and good cheer. If you have any requests feel free to share them, you never know what you might find. If you try a recipe, feel free to share the results as well. We all learn from each other.
  14. I feel like if I made a cookbook thread we would all be better served.
  15. So, most of the block I kind of ignored. Hisoka scares me, seriously. He is extremely powerful, clever and a complete sociopath. Kind of like the Joker with Jedi powers. He is evidently playing this Spider gang as well, probably because they amused him somehow, or maybe because he wants to double cross them to have an excuse to kill them, hard telling. In any event, Gon and Killua should be concerned about Hisoka having an interest in them. Still, it was cool to watch Hisoka win that fight. I saw the animated Batman the Killing Joke. It was easily the best animated show I've seen in months. It was perfect in almost every way, save the use of friggin instead of fucking. It was rated R, drop the F bomb.
  16. I would just like to say that I'm glad we saw Moria getting his face punched repeatedly and I hope to see this continue next week.
  17. You're doin it wrong. Trust me.... 8)
  18. Ginguy

    New York

    Yeah, imagine what it would be like if DeBlasio decided to screw over political enemies like Christie Creme did in Jersey....
  19. With the ability to upload FF here, I'm kind of inclined to bring back the writing contests. If there are enough people interested, it could be done in genre as well.
  20. Bless your heart. Got any Bombay Sapphire?
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