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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. It isn't uncommon for people to move from one job to another, so don't feel bad about it. If you are moving to build your marketable skill-set, to increase your pay, or because it is something closer to what you want to do with your life, then you aren't doing anything wrong. Remember to be professional and to ask for an exit interview, be honest and respectful to your soon to be previous employer, and be sure to keep in touch with your current fellow employees who you like. Linkedin is really good for this kind of professional network building, and if you can arrange it, a once a month lunch meeting with some of your office friends would be a good thing. If possible, try not to leave in the middle of a large project, and be sure to leave all the relevant data on your current work in and organized manner clearly labeled. Good luck with the interview.
  2. People need to be aware of who it is that is warning them, and what their motivation for doing so is. I know, I've used fear and seen how effective can be, and while I'm not terribly proud of doing so, I can attest that it works, so people will use it because it works. I've seen and used it in campaigns, sometime it is fully supported and justified by facts, sometimes it isn't. I'd say that a good 85% of the fear climate these days is pure bunkum and balderdash. It is being used in an abusive manner to advance scurrilous dissimulation. The sole motive is reclaiming lost power or preventing the erosion of power structures which benefit parties who otherwise would not notice the average person. As far as what I worry over, personal safety is relatively low, then again I'm a big guy, and I'm taking firearm training courses so I'll be able to effectively use the pistol I plan on buying. If you are worried about that kind of thing, and it isn't an unfounded worry, then I'd suggest you take the appropriate training courses and purchase a firearm. Failing that, a folding lock-blade, if legal, is a good alternative. Policy worries are a different nature, but I tend to ignore the media in favor of reading the actual proposed regulation or law. Having learned how to do this, I find that I don't have to worry about most things that are proposed, and worry even less about what finally gets passed, as it is often so diluted with exceptions as to be relatively meaningless, the legislative equivalent of "Kittens are cute, and so are puppy dogs, birds, some baby snakes, and anything else sold at pet stores." This can vary depending on the situation, but as a general rule, learning to find the original source legislation, regulation or report is a much better option in terms of staying informed and allaying groundless fear-mongering than allowing yourself to be triggered or burying your head in the proverbial sand.
  3. Should have made you an Angel of the Lord....
  4. I don't hate my boss, then again I'm self-employed so that should be taken into consideration. In general, if you do your job, smile and nod you should be fine. The important thing to remember is that if you have a strong confident boss, he/she will create an environment where strength and confidence are commonplace. These are the kinds of workplaces that I prefer, you get a decision and then you go forward. If your boss is weak, timid or vacillating, the people who work there will either follow in that mold, or chafe waiting for decisions to be made so that actual work can be done. I've been in those environments as well, they generally tend to breed resentment and a lack of morale. Sometimes weak bosses can improve but often they either move sideways or are a roadblock to strong employees who could take their place.
  5. Making Anime Great Again.... The Weekend in Review™ DBZ Kai - Alright, enough butt pullin here, Cell nuked himself and managed to regenerate on earth from a different dimension. Gimme a break, even Sasuke doesn't get that bad with his sharringan hax. Kinda hope they go on and get Buu and Super, from a ratings stand point if nothing else. JJBA - Well, it is growing on me, at least Speedwagon is. I hope the kid survives, but I get the feeling this is the kind of series where the kid will survive only to be turned into a hideous monster by Dio and return in a few arcs. At least there are reinforcements for Jojo, who is currently getting the business. I am curious why Dio isn't just killing them all outright. Sure, he has the whole megalomaniac thing going, but he has shown himself to be practical in the past, and letting Jojo hang around is probably not a good overall plan. IBO - So, the kids got their revenge for Biscuit, and all the others to insignificant to warrant an episode. I do like that Mika just rushed out and beat down Carta and her bodyguards. It wasn't honorable, it wasn't what she wanted, and it is kind of disturbing in the sense that it shows a real ruthlessness that Mika and Orga have. It is also understandable given their mood and their mission. HxH - Instant Jedi, that's interesting. I didn't really pay much attention to the Nin thing, other than apparently everyone has it and if you don't you're a total scrub as a fighter. Hisoka having it just makes him all the more Dark Lord of the Sith, which I'm fine with. Honestly, this show would be better if it was just Hisoka x Hisoka. Naruto - One PIece - Okay, so we got twenty minutes before people start melting, would somebody please kick Moria's ass already. I don't really care who does it, I just want it done so he will stop laughing.
  6. I'll be gentle....
  7. I'll go with 80/20 apathy and incompetence.
  8. The more things change, the more they stay the same huh. I am not worried about dropping ratings, these things tend to be cyclical. Toonami probably has two or three years left, then it will go away for four or five, and come back.
  9. I don't listen to music in the car very often, usually I'm listening to talk radio, so audio quality isn't that big a deal. Otherwise I listen to Sirius Spa at night when I can't fall asleep, so again, audio quality not that big a deal.
  10. It's me. 8) Seriously though, it is for the same reasons that asmb failed. It has to do with commitment level, here we have two admins who are committed to making this place a success, and they have volunteers who share that same level of investment in a successful outcome. There are clear lines of communication between management and users which are being actively monitored and evaluated in terms of goals and creating a generally positive user experience. Also, there isn't the kind of acrimony that the asmb had.
  11. Force of habit? :-\
  12. Politics is where you see people for the animals they are. Nasty business. Retail just shows you impatient a-holes. ;D
  13. Ginguy

    Ho ho...

  14. That is why I'm glad I got out of retail. Happy Birthday, hope it wasn't too bad.
  15. Spicy for the sake of spicy is kind of pointless. A little heat to balance sweet, salty and sour is a good thing, but burning yourself up for the sake of burning yourself up will illicit no sympathy from me.
  16. No, I'm pretty sure I mean strawberry. I do like raspberry jelly as a base for sauce though, especially on things with chocolate, peaches or ice cream.
  17. I wish I could but I gotta watch my cholesterol. Should watch my sugar too, which is why I don't use much jelly, just enough to barely coat, and I only eat it once a week or so.
  18. What's in a tiger roll? It's been a while and I usually just eat nigiri.
  19. I'll stick with strawberry jelly.....
  20. As long as you wash it with soap and water you should be fine. If you are really worried rinse it with vinegar, that's an old kitchen trick.
  21. I love smoked eel with tamari.
  22. So, we can be curing cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, ALS, repairing or bypassing spinal injury and instead we spend money and time on boner spray.
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