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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. How can you not like spaghetti?
  2. Sounds like the hawk. That's the reason why I own a top coat that comes below my calf.
  3. No snow for me yet. I did snow a while back, I took some pics, maybe later I'll post em. I don't really like too much snow though, if there was a way to have it snow on everything but roads and sidewalks that would be ideal. I do like the cold though.
  4. I didn't see a "We don't need moar folders we need moar nice people" option....
  5. Karma is unlimited I think, while the post is just the one time. Also, for the record, Pooh is number 2 in terms of likes given, and not that far behind me.
  6. FT has been fan service from day 1. The bro-luuv is new though.
  7. I don't mind the spin offs, but do they all need to be out the same season? Seriously, Japan, you can do better than this.
  8. That's probably a good thing. I'd suggest watching anime on yahoo view or croll, I am.
  9. I'm kind of looking forward to this week. It should be fun, even though I won't be able to watch it live. I wasn't that impressed with Scavenger. It was alright, but I didn't get the sense it was really breaking new ground for the block. I enjoyed the Intruder series much more.
  10. Apparently not when it comes to Bernie....
  11. Experience isn't necessarily the best teacher, if you have a lot of bad sex, you get really good at having bad sex. Sometimes you have to be in a relationship to have the comfort level to ask that most shameful of questions; "Am I good?" I generally tend to worry about exploring though, that always seems to end up with someone trying to stick something in my butt. S: Exit only.... I guess if I wanted I could find casual sex but it doesn't interest me. I really want to be in that place where you can just hold someone and not have sex, but still be fulfilled. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but sex just isn't the point of being in a relationship, it is just a perk.
  12. Sure, while I have the time. That's kind of the big thing though time might be hard to come by.
  13. Don't confuse maturity with being a jackass. Also, this is an excellent example of where a quote tree would be useful, as the original post contains contextually pertinent information.
  14. Might be a case of delayed onset.... :420: LOL 420 code for the weed leaf. I like it.
  15. Post moar?
  16. Lemme guess, you are looking towards having a fulfilling career that challenges you in a field you like, instead of a job. You are looking towards having a condo/house instead of just "an apartment". You are thinking about saving for retirement with a tax deferred Roth IRA in a moderate risk growth sector such as an emerging markets ETF. You no longer file a 1040EZ If two or more of these apply, maturity....
  17. Clearly you need to break moar tables to demonstrate your superiority.....
  18. It can be useful if you want to make a point across multiple posts.
  19. It boils down to maturity; there comes a time in everyone's life when casual sex loses its allure and you want to be with someone who wants to be with you. If you hit that point in your life, congratulations you are no longer a juvenile.
  20. I think he's being coy about wanting you to peg him.
  21. That's part of the reason I don't post as much. I just like posts and shake my head.
  22. I thought you were talking about fact check, which is just as obnoxious. We need a reply to indication on posts so people who are half paying attention can follow the conversation.
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