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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Zexy Magician
  2. I don't have enough booze to handle this right now.
  3. Too much of a good thing huh.
  4. Wear beer cheese sauce and he will.
  5. Ginguy


    It is amazing what happens when you send letters by certified mail. 8) I am so sleeping in. It might be one of those sleep in and take an afternoon nap kind of days. Supposed to snow tomorrow night.
  6. Ginguy


    Yeah, I know the feeling. I've dealt with companies like that before, you have to keep going at them, and eventually they just wear you down and you figure "F it they got me this time." and don't do business with them. Personally, by the time I get to that point with any provider I usually call my buddy and have him send a certified letter on his legal office letterhead. Suddenly customer service improves vastly. ;D I think you could always ask them to let you handle the airline arrangements, and that you would be grateful for any help paying but it is easier for you to book it yourself. I'm glad it's the weekend. I need to sleep in all day tomorrow, and I just might.
  7. Well, we know a few things. We know that [as] confirmed FLCL S2, and a final arc for Sam Jack. We just assume they would be on Toonami, but never got them confirmed by anyone official. We know that DeMarco has, in the past, said he wants Toonami to be smallish, about the size it is now, and with a semi-permanent Gundam slot, and long-running shows. We have that for the most part now. Even the shorter shows are still 24-26 episodes, save OPM, so I'm not sure how we would get FLCL S2 and Sam Jack to mesh in with the existing Toonami framework as DeMarco has built it. That leaves us with two options, alter the original (working) framework via expansion (which didn't work out too well) or go to another night for some kind of shorter midnight run/pirate broadcast hour. Maybe an Intruder Hour on Sunday, a play on the Toonami universe.
  8. Nice, I haven't seen any DB past Cell, so I'm looking forward to this.
  9. I think that Toonami as a brand breaks out to a Sunday Midnight Run with FLCL season 2 and Sam Jack. Both of them are confirmed for [as] but I don't remember seeing them as confirmed for Toonami. I could have missed that though. Maybe we'll get lucky and get Psycho-Pass in a later slot, and possibly an "old school" slot with GitS (film tie-in) Outlaw Star, Trigun etc.. Possibly Bebop just to troll Jman?
  10. General rule/feelings on asking if people want to do things; don't. Put effort into it, put it out there and those interested in it will come. Sometimes it is a hit, sometimes it is a miss, either way it presents a chance to learn.
  11. Ginguy


    Sounds like this company has a business model that has nothing to do with selling airline tickets and everything to do with getting and keeping your money. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
  12. I keep on being reminded of Alan Greenspan's comments twenty years ago.... That being said, Russel 2k for eternal victory....
  13. UP A were developed for warm water sailing and thus were made strong to prevent spoilage.
  14. One can never have too many asses to paddle....
  15. I'm pretty sure if DeMarco and company wanted to air a show, a dub would be made. Available dubs are nice to have, it makes the process faster and easier, but clearly they have the ability to get a dub made if one doesn't currently exist.
  16. I listen to new age music most of the time, when I listen to music at all. I don't know if that is similar, or if I'm just turning into a hippie....
  17. What's wrong with you guys, hickory BBQ for eternal victory.
  18. I think the proper term is nursing....
  19. They get into everything though. Besides, I like marshmallows and don't like sharing.
  20. Those are adorable. Lots of bamboo to grow though, and carrots, I think they eat carrots too. I wouldn't mind a baby possum, they are kinda cute, but then they grow up and get bitey, and rabid so....
  21. Children are a blessing, especially when you aren't the one who has to get up at 3 am to feed them, change them, burp them, buy them toys they play with for ten minutes then never touch again, go to boring parent-teacher conferences about, pay for their college....
  22. Good news all around. Might have to indulge in a little Fumoffu for giggles.
  23. Nice to see One Piece still on top. Quality counts. Happy to see My Hero Academia. I've enjoyed the series thus far, so hopefully the trend will continue. I'm kind of disappointed in Fairy Tail, but it is going to be wrapping up soon I suspect. I like it, so it is refreshing to see it in the top 15. I would have been happier with top ten, but....
  24. Alright I'll play 1. Any anime attack name 2. "I'll leave a twenty on the nightstand" 3. Yawn, the actual act of yawning, not just saying it 5. Your GF's mother's name
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