Eh, sorry to see OP go, but honestly they should have just started it at Fishman Island. Starting with filler never seemed like a good idea, better to kind of kick it off with what is clearly a new starting point. They tried, they aired it and worked with it as best they could, it got some exposure but ultimately it didn't hold and grow enough of an audience. I suspect Naruto is also on the block. I don't really understand having back to back DB shows, I think they could do without Kai FC and have another slot to work with. They have a lot riding on Jack, if it doesn't catch on, and I suspect it won't, it could hurt. TG is not my first choice, or even in my top ten, there are much better shows out there to get. I watched it, it was disjointed to say the least. I don't think it will do that much better than anything else.