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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Eh, sorry to see OP go, but honestly they should have just started it at Fishman Island. Starting with filler never seemed like a good idea, better to kind of kick it off with what is clearly a new starting point. They tried, they aired it and worked with it as best they could, it got some exposure but ultimately it didn't hold and grow enough of an audience. I suspect Naruto is also on the block. I don't really understand having back to back DB shows, I think they could do without Kai FC and have another slot to work with. They have a lot riding on Jack, if it doesn't catch on, and I suspect it won't, it could hurt. TG is not my first choice, or even in my top ten, there are much better shows out there to get. I watched it, it was disjointed to say the least. I don't think it will do that much better than anything else.
  2. Has Moose gone nuclear yet?
  3. Well, whaddaya know. Welcome back Hikki. As far as Toonami goes, you could get in on Samurai Jack premieres, DB Super is still early on, Jojo isn't that hard to get into, basically Jojo trolls a bunch and helps Nazi's fight vampires, now yer good to go, Gundam is about half over, main guy still emo, Hunter is good, you could probably get into it easily enough. The rest are shonen, pretty much the same as always.
  4. It's our offensive line, they are looser than Fuggs.
  5. Jets are nowhere near the Colts when it comes to licking an electric fence in the off season.
  6. Funi deserved it for taking tumblr seriously.
  7. With all the money she has you'd think she could afford to buy the whole dress.
  8. Is that Nikki Mivag? She let herself go.
  9. Yeah, it's dangerously close to individual responsibility.
  10. Dockers Joseph A Bank Charles Tyrwitt Paul Fredrick
  11. How about we just "like" posts that strike our fancy or agree with and not abuse bugs. ::spin::
  12. Bet I'm not the only one thinking that's Zeni.
  13. I have given out 100 likes 40 times over.....
  14. That catfish is clearly above Fuggs' level.
  15. Why would I want one? I mean, I don't play games much, so why get a Switch?
  16. Ginguy


  17. The planet Venus forms a five pointed star in the sky. It takes eight days to travel from point to point. Thus, every 40 days it forms a Pentagram. The Jews wandered for 40 years before they arrived at the promised land. Moses was atop the mountain for 40 days receiving the 10 Commandments. Jesus wandered the desert for 40 days being tempted by the Devil. It took 40 players for the Chicago Cubs to break the curse of the billy goat. There are 40 ounces in a bottle of OE 800. You are considered "Over the hill" at age 40. ::spin::
  18. Phillies get off your fucking ass and get a real job. I don't care about pillows or Fuggs or chairs or whatever the fuck else you are posting about. Time to grow the fuck up. Express pros, Google it. Take what you can get and start being an adult. Fuggs, you are the reason why welfare is broken. I hope you get audited.
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