DBZ Super- Well, so much for Vegeta. It was interesting to see Bitch Goku though, that doesn't happen very often. We'll see how Chenron handles things, probably by saying nope to everything and sending the DB scatting across the globe again.
Jojo - I think Lisa Lisa is pretty much the only reason to watch at this point. Is there a Godwin's Law for anime, I feel there should be one. About the only time of late I felt like ignoring this was Izetta, but that was because it was really well done and not flagrant about it.
HxH- Kurapika sure improved himself, and he did it using his mind, which is a nice change of pace. Vengeance type quests end badly though, someone should fill him in on that. I am enjoying the series though.
Gundam Unicron - So, we find out a bunch of backstory, which is important, and find out that not every soldier is a total tool. Unrelated, apparently there is a remastered version of SEED. Hmm, HD Lacus, this warrants investigation.