I can't imagine DeMarco & co. letting it get to that point. There are going to be some major shows and second seasons coming up, I am confident that Toonami will be a player on them. It just remains to be seen in terms of money. [as] as a whole is kind of down right now, it isn't nearly the cult hit that it used to be. I think Toonami does best when it has a mix of shows around the 26-50 episode range cycling in and out. Keep the major hits like DBS up front, and then look for those broad appeal shows to fill out the balance. HxH has a chance to really work, Gundam series in general do alright for mid block shows, JJBA hasn't totally failed, though it is not really doing all that great either. Toonami is going to have some hit and miss, like anything, but I think that they have the right formula overall, perhaps they just need to cycle in and out a bit more.