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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Hmmm. I personally tend to like the block most with that kind of even mix of shorter and longer shows, I think it promotes more content and newer content in terms of freshness.
  2. Seriously though, what are they going to do? "Hey, if we give these rats weed will they be less likely to spread plague?" ::spin::
  3. http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/85R/billtext/pdf/HB04260I.pdf#navpanes=0 Damn it Texas. whut
  4. What the hell? Why does everyone want to give weed to everything?
  5. Funny part is going to be the empty seats at the venues, the snowpocolypse has snarled travel for the fans. The venues are going to take a big hit from it. >
  6. Hey Alchemist, I was wondering; do you happen to know if Toonami was doing better overall when they were regularly rotating in different shows instead of focusing on longer-running shounens for the majority of the block? It just seems like they did better when they had a wider range of different, shorter shows.
  7. Says everyone from a non-program school.
  8. Ginguy

    No comment

    Face palm
  9. I'd laugh so hard if DXD picked up One Piece.
  10. Building a firewall to keep illegal spambots out.
  11. It just doesn't happen much anymore. The last time I really remember it was Butler.
  12. Luuv's extreme vetting.... >
  13. Accounts have to be manually approved by Luuv these days....
  14. NCAA is full of professional teams though. It isn't really fair, most of the schools that don't win a conference championship have no chance to get in regardless of record due to the at large bids going to programs with the largest viewer base. I'd rather just skip it altogether.
  15. Ginguy


    The snow skipped us, which is nice. We might get some mixed bag tomorrow, but I have the day off so that shouldn't be a big deal. We haven't had much snow this year, nothing above 3 inches. Usually we get two or three snows a year.
  16. March Madness sucks. It is nice for Indy in terms of tourism, but it just ends up annoying me.
  17. I'm betting heel turn and he goes with Jojo. ::spin::
  18. Fixed that for ya....
  19. I thought it was me. Guess I'll have to work harder.
  20. You truly are a horrible person. I used to feel bad about the abuse that was heaped on you. I don't anymore.
  21. I'm kind of the same way, I watch the simul-sub on Yahoo View for free, there is also Croll and Funi to see it. I do the same with Naruto, and might with Boruto as well.
  22. I can't imagine DeMarco & co. letting it get to that point. There are going to be some major shows and second seasons coming up, I am confident that Toonami will be a player on them. It just remains to be seen in terms of money. [as] as a whole is kind of down right now, it isn't nearly the cult hit that it used to be. I think Toonami does best when it has a mix of shows around the 26-50 episode range cycling in and out. Keep the major hits like DBS up front, and then look for those broad appeal shows to fill out the balance. HxH has a chance to really work, Gundam series in general do alright for mid block shows, JJBA hasn't totally failed, though it is not really doing all that great either. Toonami is going to have some hit and miss, like anything, but I think that they have the right formula overall, perhaps they just need to cycle in and out a bit more.
  23. So, I guess Moose got nuked. Kinda sad, he was alright when he wasn't making threats against people or being generally crazy. Edit: Cause I feel bad for not contributing something Toonami/Anime related....
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