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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. I don't have many thoughts about this other than I was a wee lass pirating anime on Crunchyroll back in the day and this shit still feels weird. Not like I morally care. More like I'm still taken aback at rare moments by how far Crunchyroll has come from where it started. I want to go back in time and show Past Me this headline just to mess with her.
  2. Honestly, this was kind of my reaction when I saw my first jar of cookie butter in the store. It was a life changing event for me.
  3. Stress buying this Biscoff dark chocolate cookie butter bar was not a bad decision. Very nice and rich. It's chonky so the extra buck over other bars isn't too painful.
  4. At this point, I can only laugh at this bullshit:
  5. I don't even want to fuck with big publishers, but goddamn I want to look at this government lady's binders of book deal data. Said it took her 200 hours to put together. That's some Amy from Brooklyn 99 type of energy.
  6. ***s always be talking in a way that makes you want to choke them the fuck out.
  7. So that's what a farm team means.
  8. Yo my ass has been out of it. Didn't even realize DOJ vs. Penguin Random House(trying to merge with Simon and Schuster) was going on right now. The book publishing process is so boring that folks testifying like Stephen King are trying to use a bunch of baseball metaphors to explain it.
  9. This really isn't good. Pray for whatever's in the pipeline under this company because except for Batman/Joker or Harry Potter, it ain't safe.
  10. *Sigh* It's time to stop procrastinating and get to work.
  11. It still amazes me how Jennifer Grey fucked up her career because she was the one woman whose regular nose was so identifiable that getting work done on it made everyone look at her and go:
  12. He's smart enough to exploit people for his own means, so I don't feel pity for him though he need to see a doctor. They're now running ads where it's coherent people describing his job, and then he comes in at the end with, "I'm blah blah blah, and I support this message."
  13. I'm so sorry. The people at your job sound worse with each post.
  14. I'm trying to figure out my new schedule due to a thing I was able to get sooner than expected(Prime Day Sale). Loose plan for my day starts with writing, about to start learning C# and Spanish in the afternoon, and then practicing art or more writing at night. Really thankful for all the free online classes and software right now.
  15. As much as I can't stand Chappelle, he does actually have real friends who will stomp you out with the quickness. Friends whom everyone knows are fit as fuck and can fight, so dude had to be messed up in the head to try it.
  16. It's relevant because skin color has been a factor in a lot of the responses to this situation. Again, I'm not denying his experiences or his background(now that I've seen he's finally been specific about it), but I doubt his opinons were only influenced by being a comic.
  17. New additions in purple. I had waited for a while on Yuri on Ice because I wanted the special box set, but I changed my mind and was happy with the blu ray/dvd set on Rightstuf and it was on sale.
  18. Y'all better be glad I got these Sailor Moon Vans coming tomorrow and lowering my stress levels.
  19. Happy Belated birthday!
  20. The highlighted in red part is literally what white passing means. It doesn't mean that everyone is going to think you're white or that you've never encountered racism. And if you had used any of your past to learn how to step in other folks' shoes enough to stay in your lane, then we wouldn't even be having this back and forth. This incident had backstory that you and other comics have made about themselves without thinking about the context. If your comedy is aimed at minorities who receive the worst treatment from society and those folks are fed up, then it is what it is. Violence can come with consequences no matter what city you're in. You can have the pleasure of slapping a little bitch, end up with your arm broken in the opposite direction, shot, etc. Actually being funny instead of just punching down probably lessens the chances of someone willing to risk it, but it's easier to be lazy and stir up hate. Edited to add: the popularity contest on who determines a winner in this is in your head.
  21. The slowdown as nice, but now I gotta get back to my regular schedule.
  22. Why is Warner Brothers so cursed?
  23. I can remember the personality of some of the monsters but that's it.
  24. It was probably UPN. They got Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball during that time too, and after watching the intro I had flashbacks to watching it clear and really blurry. So that means I watched it with and without cable, and UPN had the worst fucking signal back then. Had to take 30 minutes setting up the rabbit ears before a show came on to get any clarity on that damn channel. Old biddy solidarity! 👊🏾
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